Okay i did some research and found that oregons sol is 7 years. Which i am going to assume i fall under that one instead of the california SOL since I am not legally a resident here. The collection firm from Discover Card is from Maryland. They sent me a letter bascially claiming I owe discover card the amount of money with my miranda rights. Shouldn't it be a Collection Agency from Oregon? I read on the Oregon SOL that they have to have a license to pratice in Oregon, which i am a resident of? I am really lost here, anyone out there who can clairfy this for me? COLLECTION AGENCY BOND & LICENSE Bond: No License: Registration only Fee: Established by director Exemption for out-of-state collectors: Contact state authorities. Out-of-state agencies may be exempt IF [1] collecting for out-of-state client; [2] the debt was incurred by an Oregonian outside the state; and [3] the state where the collection agency is headquartered has a registration program comparable to Oregon's law. --------------------------------------------------------- Thanks