My kids go to after school program at Boys and Girls club. It is time to renew their membership and I get the forms okay... it says the inclusion of social security numbers is mandatory and members may find themselves excluded from trips and events funded with government money I need the program because of my insane work hours and my children enjoy it, but i do not like passing around ss# like that....even the school doesn't ask for social security numbers... i plan on calling monday morning..... please advise
uniondiva, Did you happen to see this article that Greg posted earlier today on another thread: It's not only full of great reasons why you shouldn't give up those numbers but gives you the rationale, caselaw, and existing laws to back it up. I think it's darn iffy that they can require it at all using not being able to participate in government funded field trips and activities as the reason. Sassy
I agree with sassy, banks cannot even require you to give your social security number, It's highly doubtful that this organization can.
Thanks a lot Sassy, It just p*$$$ me off, because my kids have to pay for everything, they do not even qualify for the 'free stuff" (thank God).. however, I don't know who the ee's are, how this information is stored, i mean someone could have a field day with a bunch of ss#'s belonging to kids who wouldn't know that they had been victimized for years
Not trying to hijack your thread Uniondiva, but the funniest thing I've seen was an application for an ABC card (American Bowling Congress) and they want SS#. TO JOIN A BOWLING LEAGUE!!! Also on the back of it, they have a form to fill out if you wish to pay the membership dues by credit card. How many hands do suppose this card passes through before it gets to the national organization and they charge your card? Unbelievable. Gib