OT...but very important, need HELP

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Christi, Jul 26, 2002.

  1. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Ok, I know I havent' posted in awhile. I do read frequently still, but am busy with working 2 jobs and going back to school. However I am calling out for HELP...it's not credit related.

    I am asking for prayers (only prayers, no money or anything). I found out today my 9 yr old daughter has a brain tumor. It is on the pons in the brain. She had a CT scan done yesterday and will have an MRI Monday at 7:00 AM and we are being sent to a pediatric neurosurgeon at Texas Children's Baylor in Houston, TX. Please just pray for her if you will. This has been the absolute worst day of my entire life. I hated to come here to post, but we (she) needs ALL the prayers in the world, because prayers do work. :)
  2. SweetnSas

    SweetnSas Well-Known Member

    Request granted! ;-)

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  4. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    I am sorry Christi. What horrible news. I hope your little girl will be okay. I wish you and your family the best.

  5. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

  6. CaliGirl

    CaliGirl Well-Known Member

    I'm praying too.
  7. Mrei

    Mrei Well-Known Member

    so sorry to heard that,,she will be fine as long you stay strong...we'll all praying ...
  8. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member

    I will be praying for you too..............
  9. Calmest_LA

    Calmest_LA Well-Known Member

    I hope you will get some good news on Monday. Texas Children's Hospital is the best. She'll be in good hands there. Anyway, I said my prayer and wish you and your daughter the very best news.

  10. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    in my prayers christi.
  11. marci

    marci Well-Known Member


    I will pray that all goes well for your little girl...
  12. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    You and your child will be in my prayers.....

  13. Rina

    Rina Well-Known Member

    We'll be praying for your family's strength, and her full recovery.
  14. Gillian

    Gillian Well-Known Member

    You and your daughter are in my prayers!!
  15. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Christi, You and your family are in our prayers. Since you are in the medical field you know that your daughter is in the best hands available. MD Anderson and Texas Childrens are in the top 2 or 3 in the world. They can and do work miracles every day. Charlie
  16. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Thank you all. You don't know how much it means to me. I haven't been to bed yet and haven't been able to even consider eating. She is at her father's house this weekend, so I have time to grieve and decide how and what to tell her. That is the scariest part. Oh and don't go searching the internet for information when you are looking for medical disease or illnesses it will only SCARE the heck out of you. I spent 5 hrs last night researching and now I'm just a basket case...lol. I'm trying to be in good spirits and think the best, but you just don't know...

    I think from what I've read that Texas Children's is truly a great hospital and lucky I live in Texas and have this close by. Thanks again to you all :)

    By the way I quit my 2nd job yesterday and will NOT be enrolling in the fall semester, that gives me more home time.

    How is this credit related? I spent 2 yrs repairing my credit and finally got to the point I'm at now. I have all PRIME cards with high limits and low interest, but something like this makes you realize..it's not important. If she has to take chemo and or radiation I will be quitting my job to be with her and I guess I'll have charge-offs or filing BK..but my daughter is more important to me now than good credit. Just don't spend TOO much time on credit repair that you don't spend quality time with your family :)
  17. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    praying for you and your family...
  18. jo

    jo Member

    I am an RN. When I practiced I was an RN first assistant in neurosurgery. I've done these surgeries.

    The most important thing in your life right now will be the care and treatment of your child. Now is the time to quit your job(s) and focus on getting your child the health care she needs.

    Don't leave her side, stay with her. Let the credit go, the jobs go, the world go. Spend this time with her. When you have spare time from that take care of yourself.

    When this is over, and it will come to an end, then you can pick up the pieces but for now focus on her.
    PS My mail is open feel free to email if you wish to ask any specifics along the way.
  19. Mommy2cats

    Mommy2cats Well-Known Member

    Re: OT...but very important, need H

    I am sending prayers to you. I am also asking all my Reiki practitioner friends to send energy to your daughter AND your family.

    Consider this like all of us giving you a hug too....

  20. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    Re: OT...but very important, need H

    I want to tell you a couple of anecdotes re:Children's Hospital and my family so that you will know what a fine institution it really is and maybe sleep a little better knowing you're taking your daughter to the best in the world.

    My cousin's first born son was born a Lorraine Lorry dwarf. This is a dwarf that is perfectly proportioned...they look like little people as opposed to the majority of dwarfs that are markedly out of proportion. My aunt got on the telephone (in the days way before the internet) and spent months finding help for her grandson. Guess where she found it...Children's Hospital. They had a program for these kids that used the hormones from the human thyroid gland in order to help them grow taller than they were genetically programmed to be. My cousin once-removed was in the program well into his teens given the growth stages of the human male (which is longer than females as estrogen in female puberty effectively slows down/stops growth which is why 9th grade girls are usually taller than their male counterparts). Now my cousin, once removed, is a 33 year old adult. Admittedly he is not 6' but he grew to be 5'6" which is 2'6" taller than he was programmed to grow. So he is very happy to be considered short as opposed to being a dwarf.

    My second story involves my own daughter. She was born with 2 problems. The first and easiest problem was a lazy eye. While little glasses helped her at first eventually they didn't. I took her to the chief of pediatric opthamology at Children's and this woman not only fixed this problem but now at age 26 the opthamologists can't even see a scar! Plus she doesn't even need to wear glasses. Her second problem was that she was born with a deformed lower jaw. Her lower jaw was very small and did not grow in proportion to the rest of her face. She has had two successful surgeries to correct this and will probably need one more in the next couple of years. The surgeries were performed at Children's Hospital.

    My family's involvement in Children's Hospital began in the early 70s with my cousin's son and went through the 90s with my daughter and I can tell you that the doctors there were on the leading edge then and they continue today. So if it is of any comfort your daughter is going to the best place for children in the world. Whilst my stories are different from yours my feelings were probably the same...so I empathize what you are going through and I will say a prayer for your daughter's safe and successful recovery. Hope my sharing helps in some little way.


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