Ok some of you may recall hubby and I work together. All in all our job is great. We work at a gas station and we are responsible for everything except paying the rent/utilities. We do collections for our charge accts., ordering supplies, our regular customers have all offered us jobs (much less pay, more work more hours) so that tells you how they feel. We do all the yard work here (landscaping, mulch, etc.) We are responsible for fixing gas equipment or hiring someone to do it, you get the point. We both make $12.75, and free gas (up to $50) no benefits of any type, 1 weeks vaca PROVIDED WE HAVE SOMEONE COVER US CAUSE THE OWNER WILL NOT. (really bothers me) any OT we get is under the table at straight pay. We have been here almost 2 years, the last raise we both got was December for 25 cents. How do I ask, or should I ask? If so, how much?
Kellie, How does your pay {and your husbands} compare with other gas station maagers in your area? Do you both get 40 hour weeks? How profitable is the staion?
25 cents?? i'd have to kick some ass if someone disgraced me with such a raise. Bout time one of you take the plunge and get some schooling or just plain look for a new job... Thank the IT industry, i haven't seen a raise in nearly 2 years
His prices are outrageous so right now it's not too profitable (compared to last year) we are down about 15% in sales (gallon wise) BUT he is making more per gallon now. On average, in our area we make $1 more than other managers at gas stations, but those gas stations get medical benefits, the people don't commute as far (33 miles) and they get 401K's. Neither one of us are college educated. All in all our boss is great, let's us do what we feel will benefit the business. Last year after all taxes and stuff he made $20K, and now knowing this I feel as though I should get a chunk of it, not all not even a lot, just $1. more an hour MAX, for each of us. There's a lot to it, I work 32 hours and get paid for 40, but hubby works 48 and gets paid for 40. He said "it doesn't make sense for me to pay you time and 1 half at $18 and hour when I can pay a part time kid $8. Also we have been working 12 hours on Saturdays @ $10 (overtime) under the table. He's shady, but being here has helped us get a second vehicle and a better place to live (still not a house). Also, being here I feel like i have job security, I know the owner has no intentions of replacing us cause we are so dependable. He has an accounting office that he makes loads of money from, this is just play money for him.
Kellie, I'd say all in all, you 2 have a pretty good gig. Combined income over $50K plus, another $2500+ in gas and OT pay under the table. And, the boss seems to leave you alone. I t never hurts to ask. Start out at a $1 and see where it goes. Have you felt him out on offering any kind of benefit package? I'd imagine health insurance would be tough to come by given your husband's preexisting condition.
Keepmine- He has offered to pay half of medical benefits. Hubby and I are discussing now. Our benefits JUST for the two of us would be avg. $800 a month. Whenever we ask for a raise he laughs and makes a comment on how we are overpaid for what we do. He COULD just give us the $400 a month towards medical benefits and leave us to deal with the doctors bills when they come in. If I go that route though, then he will probably set up some savings for medical use only AND require us to match it. Also a year ago, we were going to buy a second vehicle I asked him for 25 cents to cover the difference in insurance he said I would get it ONLY if we bought a second vehicle (and he didn't place a time frame on it). We finally bought a second vehicle mid-January, I want that raise too. ME ME ME ME ME ME, it's all about me. Maybe I should just be thankful I have a job.
i dont understand. full coverage medical is only about $400/month for me ,girl, and child. How are you figuring $800/month??? Seriously, get some health benefits. One pregnancy could wipe you out (and darn its so easy to accomplish that goal!!)
Sam- My husband has a pre existing terminal kidney disease, that's why it's so much, plus we are in the northeast and apparently policies are higher.
KHM, I don't know what state you are in, or even if you have these stores or not, but Aldi supermarkets are a German-based grocery store chain here in the States. They are successful because they keep their prices down because they only stock their stores with the most common items that people buy in a grocery store on a weekly basis. They are a great company to work for. Because they are German-owned, the medical and retirement benefits are very good and they are paying manager trainees between $18 and $20/hr, no degree required. If only one of you left to get a higher paying job with benefits, you would be set. Their website is www.aldi.com. The website lists all of their locations. I started shopping there after I saw them all over Germany when I studied there. The food quality is excellent and after shopping there for almost 3 years, I can tell you that groceries for a family of 4 cost us no more than $40 - $50/ wk. Another plus so that you will have extra money to use for whatever you need.
Wow-$800/month! But, the flip side. As serious as your husbands medical condition is, you may just have to close your eyes and take the insurance. Sam is right. You could well get wiped out at any time. And, if you do start running some serious medical bills, the doctors and hospitals may not be so lenient and let you pay $100/month. Also, have you checked on any sort of disability coverage?
TO be honest, the insurance coverage isn't the biggest issue. We wouldn't get wiped out, not even if his kidneys failed tomorrow. I have stocks and bonds, plus my grandparents have $50K in bonds for me if either his kidneys fail or they die. (they said they would only give them up if his kidneys failed). My parents are very financially smart and started saving for me when I was a baby. He hasn't had a problem with his kidneys in years (not to say something couldn't happen tomorrow), but he hasn't done anything to "trigger" them. I know if God forbid anything happened to him tomorrow, my kids and I would be safe. BTW My kids have state insurance, so there are no medical bills there. however, because I am employed I do not qualify for state insurance, unless I become pregnant (so I WOULD be covered there, shoot me if I get pregnant though). The only company that would offer insurance for him is BCBS, but again that isn't really the issue. The issue is my boss thinking he's done nothing but save our lives by employing us, when really we saved him. I left a position at the local phone company to work here and hubby left his route job to come here. Maybe I'm just bitter, but I think if I had stayed at the phone company I would have 100% paid benefits, be making $28 an hour, on top of hubbys $25 an hour (avg. sales) and we would be in a house by now. We sacraficed for him, cause he is a family friend the least he could do is NOT laugh when I ask for raises.
KHM, Could you do a survey of other gas stations in your area: Employees, rate of pay, length of longevity, benefits etc. To present to your kahuna gas boss for comparison, showing him what he's saving by having such well-rounded, multi-tasking and loyal employees. Include the percentage of cost of living and work upwards from there. I also know a manager that negotiated a percentage of the store's yearly profits as a bonus, that was for a mini-store, gas station and fast food place combined. Something to consider anyway, how come it's never easy asking for what we deserve? Sassy
The way that you've described this guy makes me not like him. With just you two, he is saving a ton from not having to pay others to do all of those jobs. You guys basically own the place but lack the papers. ;-) I think he is taking advantage of you guys and you definitely deserve a raise. It sounds like you guys are super dependable and reliable in regards to every aspect of his business. He is very lucky to have you there and for only a .25 raise, he's getting a real bargain. If he laughs at you again, think about your options. Are you willing to leave and take your good managerial skills elsewhere or will you be resigned if he laughs at you again? I say make 3 plans: if he gives you the raise you want, if he gives you less than you are asking, and if he gives you nothing. If he gives you any sort of raise make sure there aren't any strings attached. I know that behavior of his wouldn't fly in a larger business setting!! This would be my plan anyway....
This is long and possible borring. You have been warned This guy sounds like one of my previous employers. They sent me to school ( I am greatful for that - they paid for all of it ) on the condition I stay with them for 2 years after school was completed. I am an electronics technician ( and I managed one of his Video stores ) but the boss figured anyone could do my job. I felt after obtaining my Journeyman designation I should get a raise. He felt I was lucky to have a job and I agreed to stay so too bad for me ( I did not sign anything luckily ). I did manage to get a decent raise of $3.hr ( should have been $8/hr ) when I showed him what the journeyman rate was. Shortly therafter I got laid off when he found a guy fresh from tech school to do my job for half of what I got paid. I am friends with his accountant so she tells me all of the gossip. My replacement embezzled 50K + so the owner ended up hiring another electronics tech to do the job. This guy makes $4500/mth and only does repairs. He also had to hire someone else to run the store at $1800/mth. It now costs him 2x as much as when I worked there. You know what? He could care less. He was right, I could be replaced. The fact that its costs him more money is of no consequence. He has so much money that it does not matter and he can treat his staff like shit. Make a plan like someone else suggested. What an insult suggesting a 25 cent raise. Look out for yourselves as no one else will. You have proven yourselves to be competent, honest and able to do the job and then some. If he won't play ball, find someone else that will.
25 cent raise for someone making $12.75/hr isn't THAT disgraceful. 25 cents to someone making over $45k/yr might definately be!
I would ask for a *Cost of Living* raise which is I think 6%/yr. So, if you're making $12.75, I'd ask for at least a 75 cent raise. Be sure to justify your argument (from reading all of your posts you should have no problem there). Be nice and see what he thinks. If he's not willing to do it, then maybe you should secretly find other employment. Yes, everyone should be thankful they have a job but that doesn't justify him being able to get over on you. You do alot for him and you make him money. What's paying you and hubby a $1.50 more (combined) an hour? That's only $260 more a month. That is chump change when he is profiting $20K+/yr.
I'd ask for instead of a raise, free health insurance. What kinda employer could say no to health insurance especially for a family.. i've done it before and it ended up better than a raise
"Last year after all taxes and stuff he made $20K" ****************************************** ADD a "1" to that, I bet he made at least $120k or more, especially being an accountant, even if you see all the figures, daily etc., there are many ways for owners to pull $$$ out of a business, think about this why would any have a business, that ONLY generates $20k, considering the investment involved ???? I know a station owner & it made over 1 million, for two UNBRANDED NO NAME GAS, I might add, so conservatively, 1mil. cut in two = %500k for one station @ only 20% of the business <this is not downtown NY either> = minimum $100k. Don't believe everything you see. You should both be making minimum $15.00 per hr. including some benefits. GOOD HELP IS HARD TO FIND.
Thank you everyone for your replies. I honestly don't think he made $120K, there is no way to hide money from the gas station, if you add in his accounting firm then yes he DEFINATELY made over $120K. Last year he bought one of those BMW roadsters,cash. Well, I ended up asking him for 75 cents and an extra weeks vacation for each of us. NOPE, NO counter offer, no "I'll see what I can do" although he did not laugh. We are making a list of pro's and con's, looks like there are more cons