Just wanted to let everyone know that soon they will have another lawyer on the board. I have recently been accepted into Kansas Law School. This is a great acheivement for me and my family. And from all of the work I have done on my credit will come in handy as I apply for numerous educational loans to finance my schooling. Thanks Everyone.
Reshod, That's so wonderful! I'm sure you worked very hard to achieve it and will do well. Just remember to make time to study in between checking new posts on creditnet
Congrats Reshod. Do good. We need a good "creditnet" member lawyer to help us go after all the ca's and cra's. LOL. Seriously, well done. I wish you the best of luck.
Congrats Reshod! Good credit is also going to be very important when you have to go before your state's board of law examiners' character and fitness committee. Some states require you to supply them with reports! Best of Luck! cariba
What do you call a bus full of lawyers going over the side of a cliff? Just kidding! Congrats to you! You've got a long road ahead but with support from your family and Creditnet friends, you'll do great! Now about that creditnet members' discount...
hmmm you know there could be a market for that...forget Junum and Lexington, instead just have a legal firm that specializes in going after the CAs! Specialties are validations, CRA procedure verifications and small calims suits. There are probably plenty of people who would pay 20% to 50% of their award just to see places like NCO, IC etc go down!!!
Congratulations Reshod. I know that must feel fabulous. I myself will gradulate from school (not law) in May and it feels terrific after a long road. Best of luck to you
What's the difference between a lawyer and an angry hen? An angry hen clucks defiance. Congrats! -ingenue
You should read a book called "Running from the Law". I don't remember the name of the woman who wrote it, but it is a "must read" for anyone planning on going to law school. It may be out of print, but search for it. It will be worth your time.
Congrats Reshod! In that Student Loan Ap, include a couple bucks for a CD Rom drive...better yet a brand new Laptop Good luck man. Stay away from torte, unless it's chocolate rasberry, that's my favorite. -Peace, Dave
Running from the Law : Why Good Lawyers Are Getting out of the Legal Profession Deborah L. Arron Format: Paperback, 295pp. ISBN: 0898154138 Publisher: Ten Speed Press Pub. Date: May 1991 Out of print but $8 used on Amazon