Good luck! don't worry about the credit report, as long as taxes and student loans aren't in default, you will be fine, take it from me, I just graduated law school. I had to print out a credit report, and type up a letter explaining that I had made some mistakes handling my finances, but I was in the process of paying them back through CCCS (which, at the time, I was.) Study hard, and enjoy it!!
Congratulations! I hope to get accepted to University of Colorado Law when I finish my bachelors.. How did you do on your LSATs?
I would like to thank everyone for their positive comments. I do not think that I will be attending Law School at Kansas. I received an admissions letter into Wisconsin School of Law, ranked #36 in the nation. Not only that, but that gave me a FULL-RIDE! WOOHOO All tuition paid plus a stipend! Who is going to beat that? Harvard, Yale....Please not with my LSAT scores. So thank everyone. And thats why we have so many people moving to Wisconsin. (By the way, I love that Bratwurst)
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! That is excellent news! Ain't no stopping you now, you're on the move!!!! (remember that song?) lol you'll love wisconsin.