Sorry this is off topic but I need help. A company has called me 7 times in the past 3 days for photography. I asked them the last 6 NOT to call and to remove me. Everytime I say this they hang up, but the last time I got a whatever b*%%. Isn't there a law that they have to remove you? I have checked the BBB site and they have them listed but I get a empty field error.
Do you have CALLER ID with call blocking? If you have the phone number you can enter the number and then your phone won't even ring, and they will get a message "the number you are calling does not accept calls from this number"...or some such message... I got like 50 calls from some lady who wouldn't take "NO ONE BY THAT NAME IS HERE FOR AN ANSWER"...hers was the first # on the program... You can get rid of a lot of JUNK calls by pressing *77 (NO PRIVATE NAME/PRIVATE # CALLS)
George- Mine all come up unavailable not private or blocked. I have caller ID, but not the call blocking, I don't think they offer it here. Thanks though
$2.95 MORE IT SAYS FOR ME...THIS IS QWEST...(JUST INTRODUCED) Security Screen Order Security Screen today and get one FREE month of service and no activation fee! Hurry offer ends March 22, 2002* Qwest Security Screen service can help you avoid unwanted interruptions from telemarketers and unidentified callers. Security Screen works with Caller ID service to identify every call you receive so that you can decide whether or not to answer. It screens calls that would normally appear as â??unavailableâ?, â??out-of-areaâ?, â??unknownâ?, â??anonymousâ?, â??blockedâ? or â??privateâ? on your Caller ID box and instructs callers to identify themselves to complete their call. With Security Screen, you can avoid unwanted interruptions without missing calls you want. Security Screen intercepts blocked and unidentified calls before they ring your phone. It instructs solicitors to hang up and tells other callers to either unblock their numbers or enter the telephone numbers they're calling from. Security Screen alerts you with a special ring when callers have identified themselves using Security Screen. Calls from callers who do not identify themselves do not ring your phone. Benefits Virtually every call includes identification. Callers must unblock their numbers or enter their telephone numbers to let you know whoâ??s calling. The number that appears is the number entered by the caller and not necessarily the number from which the call is placed. Unidentified calls donâ??t ring your phone. Unidentified callers are given the option to identify themselves by unblocking their numbers or entering a telephone number. This prevents most telemarketers using auto-dialers from ringing you because they do not have the ability to unblock or input a telephone number. Callers do not have to hang-up to unblock their numbers. Callers can unblock their numbers by pressing â??1â?. They do not have to hang-up, unblock, and re-dial your number. Identified callers are not inconvenienced. Calls made from numbers that are not blocked and are not unavailable ring your phone normally. Identified callers do not hear Security Screen announcements. Features Security Screen works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can turn it on or off by dialing the Qwest Update Center at 1-888-(area code)-8052. Pre-recorded announcements explain to callers that you do not accept unidentified calls. The announcements also explain how callers can identify themselves to complete their calls. A special announcement is played to callers with unidentified numbers instructing them to hang-up if they are solicitors. Most solicitors call from unidentified numbers. Security Screen alerts you with a special ring when an unidentified caller has input their telephone number. The special ring lets you know that your caller has entered the number displayed on your Caller ID box. If Security Screen can identify a calling name for the number a caller entered, it will display the name with an asterisk (*) as well as the number. Otherwise, it will display â??Security Screenâ? and the number.
What about that gadget that Zaps your phone number off the auto dialers system, I don't remember what it's called, tele-zapper or something???? <Not the "easy hang up" thing, that gives a message> The calls have reached to epedemic proportions, but I refuse to change my #. It's all those sales calls!!!!!! If any one can post a link to this device, please do. Thanks
WAL*MART in the electronics store has it...yours should too... If not just send me $49.95 + $7.50 shipping and PO BOX...
TCPA After a few Saturday afternoon naps were interrupted by people looking for "Michael Green" (a local doctor, I later found out), I negotiated settlements with several telemarketers for their violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. In one case, they paid $4000. They are in violation and you can win $500 for each occurence. A good place to start learning is .
In the state of Louisiana, a new law was put into effect that a consumer can legally block telemarketers from calling your home number. All you have to go is call a special hotline number and the telemarketers can no longer call your home, period.
COLORADO was going to do that too...but they can't decide who is going to collect the list of phone numbers... They MAY just go to 100% blockage, then you can call some 800# or send a letter to OPT-IN (for junk phone calls)...