Re: more Future! Neighbor! Small small world. Where do you live close to Kingsville? I know them all! My husband was director of security for a wealthy ranch owning family South of Kingsville (outside of Rivera.) I was in Rockport this past weekend for my 20th High School Reunion. I absolutely love Rockport! I would live there right now if we could. My parents still live there about a block and a half from the bay. I lived in that house from the time I was born until I was 18. I could hear the waves when I woke up in the morning from my bedroom! I have great, great memories of my childhood in Rockport! What did you think of living there? Did you ever go to school in Rockport? We may know each other?
Re: more NanaC, What does that tell you? I thought Reshod was from El Paso? I remember living in Abilene, and seeing the sign on I-20 444 miles to El Paso. Charlie
we forgot to mention that even though it may get hotter n hell in the summer in Texas, almost everything has AC, and it is refrigerated AC. <<We can't do that swamp cooler thing in most of Texas, much to the delight of the local electric company, unless maybe you're in El Paso or West Texas>> The houses have AC, the cars have AC, the malls have AC, and we R_U_N_ F_A-S-T from one to the other. I remember one summer when a new manager transferred from Minnesota and she had this cord hanging out the front of her grill on her car, and no AC...all summer long, she was just a hanging out the window trying to get some air. Before another spring and summer came around, she had sold that puppy. glad to know who's from where, feels kinda homey
Re: more Sorry everyone, I was completing my ROTC summer "Camp" in Fort Lewis for the last 30 days. Did I miss anything good? Its great to be back!