Other credit-related message boards

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by PsychDoc, Nov 30, 2001.

  1. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    We were discussing in chat tonight the various credit-related discussion boards available on the net -- and there are quite a few. Since you can't copy and paste URLs into the chat area, I thought I'd list them here. (CreditNet remains my hands-down favorite, though -- even with its occasional ups and downs, LOL!) Here are the links:

    About.com Credit & Debt BBS:

    BankStuff.com Message Board:

    BayHouse Credit Forum BBS:

    CreditWrench @ EZboard (yep, Bill's new board):

    Cross Country Bank Sucks Message Board:

    Cardratings.com BBS:

    CardReport.com BBS:

    Credit Info Center Forum:

    CreditMania Forums @ EZboard:

    CREDITNET Straight Talk (OF COURSE!):

    FlyerTalk Miles (scroll down to "Credit Cards"):

    QualityCreditRepair.com BBS:

    Yahoo! Groups Credit-Repair (these folks are HARD-CORE do-it-yourself'ers):

    If I've left one out, please feel free to post it here! I'd like to add it to my personal list of bookmarks.

  2. torpedo

    torpedo Member

    Thanks, Doc, for the useful information, I will check them out......

    BKEV,CreditWrench@EZBoard.com........CreditWrench@EZBoard.com, BKEV....

    I may wax nostalgic for old times..You know, get out the Barry Manilow greatest hits CD's, etc.

  3. cherie

    cherie Well-Known Member

    The Motley Fools Boards
  4. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    Doc, you are an absolute Hoot!!!! Your not afraid of anything are you? You are your own man, pure and simple. I like your style, upfront and shoot from the hip! Thanks for the list I had no idea so many other forums were out there!

    P.S. I hope your male if not please except my apology in advance.
  5. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

  6. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Other credit-related message bo

    Thanks, Tuit! I appreciate that, lol. :)

    Just Some Guy :)
  7. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Other credit-related message bo

    Same is true for their insurance board. I was on there for a while trying to keep people out of trouble, but it was useless. They really think they've figured everything out - NOT.

  8. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    Re: Other credit-related message bo

    Thank you, Psych Doc. for some excellent links. I don't know if you have it on your list, www.carreonandassociates.com has some great info. also. That's how I found this board. They have some good links to the FTC regarding the FCRA and FDCPA.

    Again, thank you, now I have even MORE reading material! :)
  9. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Other credit-related message bo

    That particular web site doesn't have an interactive bulletin board, though. There are quite a number of good web sites devoted to credit-related topics (actually, hundreds), but only a few have message boards, interestingly enough.


    P.S. By the way, I ordered Carreon & Associates's credit repair e-book a few months ago and demanded (and got) a refund in spite of their "no refund" policy. I'm sure someone else may disagree, but I found that particular publication to be VERY light on substance and rife with spelling and grammatical errors. In short, it was practically a complete waste of time. (I can well understand the reason for Carreon's "no refund" policy, lol.) On the other hand, I wholeheartedly recommend "Good Credit Is Sexy" -- the [printed] book written by Kristy Welch. Her book is exceptionally professional, complete, and chock full of great information. Here's a link to that terrific publication:
  10. 4kristi

    4kristi Active Member

    Re: Other credit-related message bo

    We did have a credit board and since we partnered up with Creditnet last year, we decided to list their board. We figured it was more functional to shoot visitors to this great ongoing board rather than manage one ourselves.
  11. keepmine

    keepmine Well-Known Member

    Re: Other credit-related message bo

    Actually, I like the Motley Fool site. The people there are more interested in the responsible use of credit as opposed to credit repair and chargeoff and collection issues.
    I think if many of us had stopped at that board many years ago, we wouldn't need this board. To me, it is interesting how many people can live a most comfortable lifestyle without a large number of credit cards or long trade lines.
    My brother is a perfect example. He has 1 Amex card for business and 1 MC for personal use. He's never had an auto loan and had no idea what FICO was until he applied for a mortgage to buy some rental property. His FICO was 790! With only 2 credit cards. He closed the loan 2 weeks ago at 6.5%.
  12. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Other credit-related message bo

    To each his own, keepmine. I'm not here because i abused consumer credit, and if I followed TMF's advice, I would have continued without any, and had another car loan at 15% because I had no credit history.

    There are some good folks on TMF, but overall I couldn't take the know-it-all attitude I found there.
    And the hostility towards insurance agents (and many other professions) is unbelieveable.

    Personally, I have some hostile feelings towards dentists , LOL.

    (not you Roni!!)
  13. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Other credit-related message bo

    Getting you to like dentist is like pulling teeth eh.
    At least they specialize in pulling teeth not fast ones like the credit industry:
  14. kehoy2k

    kehoy2k Active Member

    Re: Other credit-related message bo

    The Fool's "Buying & Selling A Home " is Awesome,if anyone has an interest.
  15. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: Other credit-related message bo

    The only thing good that I can honestly say about the fool credit board is that that is where I found out about CreditNet from a heated exhange between LizardKing and Mr. Bill, if memory serves. Functionally, the board is tough to navigate (one post at a time, rather than a "whole thread" view. More to the point, though, I don't know how many times I saw someone post the standard industry line that "Nothing but time can heal a wounded credit report. Take your medicine. Wait seven years." What nonsense. Imagine, a whole forum whose premise is that there is no hope. While I might agree that there may be some valuable info there to keep people from getting into trouble, once you are in trouble, and are ready to confront it (a whole subject in itself!), then you need more than standard industry platitudes. I'll always listen to someone who says "here's what worked for me", as opposed to someone who says "it can't be done".
  16. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Other credit-related message bo

    The two brothers who started TMF are both dentists, who just did very well in the stock market. So they decided that investing was the answer for everything.

  17. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Other credit-related message bo

    So That's the reason.
  18. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    Re: Other credit-related message bo

    Psych Doc. I understand what you are saying about the message boards. I was referring to the factual information such as the FCRA and FDCPA - FTC links that they have.

    I haven't bought their credit repair book. Actually, I haven't bought any. I just started on my birthday in Oct. I set a goal to clean up my credit report by Spring or my birthday - whichever is sooner. I haven't set up a particular plan yet. This is why I am frequenting this board so when I do start to get responses from the CA & CRAs, I can ask people who have "been there done that" for their opinions on what actions I should take next. Then make a decision and take it from there.

    I really don't believe in purchasing books. I'd much rather borrow them from the local public library. That is one my cost-saving ideas and it has worked quite well for me. If they don't have the book in my particular branch of the library then I just put in a request to get it as soon as possible.

    Just my thoughts and response to yours.
  19. doodyhead

    doodyhead Well-Known Member

    Re: Other credit-related message bo

    Ok, I just wanted to point out that you can choose to view it as "threaded" if you click the "threaded" button. (took me a while to figure that out, too)

    Also, the people there are NOT helpful. When you ask a question, you get 400 different answers- people argue amongst themselves --- it's like 20 BKEVS and 20 BBauers all at once.

    And you get chastised for having a problem - I don't want to hear how I was irresponsible -- hello, braniac, I KNOW THAT. WHAT do I do NOW?! LOL
  20. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Other credit-related message bo

    How in the H*** Does the credit industries massive screw ups,ineptness,consistent underhandedness and utter disregard for the law make us irresponsible????

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