Other credit-related message boards

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by PsychDoc, Nov 30, 2001.

  1. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Other credit-related message bo

    lbrown59, are you saying that it's impossible for someone to be irresponsible with respect to paying back borrowed money? Do you truly believe that we are NEVER at fault? Just curious.

  2. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: Other credit-related message bo

    I know about the "threaded" vs "unthreaded" view, but in either view, you can only look at one post at a time, then click on "next post", or whatever the button is called (please forgive the memory lapse, I gave up them many months ago), rather than simply scrolling down to the next post and the one after that as is the case here at Creditnet. Just takes too long is all I was saying.

    Except, that, despite their obvious lack of ability to bite their tongue and move on, BBauer and Bkev both have worthwhile knowledge to share, at least before the fur started flying.

    Right! Exactly the point I made earlier! A whole forum devoted to the premise that (expanded version) There is no hope and shame on you for trying. You should take your punishment like the deadbeat that you are! That's like having a forum devoted to the Hopelessness of Saving For Retirement. Or how about the The Hopelessness of Living a Long and Healthy Life, or The Hopelessness of Thinking Your Marriage Will Be a Long and Happy One? I just don't get why anyone would bother paying any attention to any forum with that sort of a premise.

    They should call it the I Got Mine, What's Wrong With You? Forum.

    I think I can... I think I can... I think I can...
  3. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Other credit-related message bo

    I did not say any thing like this in my above post. Read it again please.
  4. tessmcgill

    tessmcgill Well-Known Member

  5. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Re: Other credit-related message bo

    I agree, "keepmine". I spend a lot of time over there, as incentive for being responsible with my money. I read through posts here to learn how to control my credit; I read posts there to make sure that my credit doesn't control me!

    I agree with Lizardking that they are too focused on closing all CC accounts, but at least they don't advocate approval for a new store card as license to hit the store *that* weekend to spend it up!

    Good post...
  6. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Other credit-related message bo

    I think a lot of those posts are in a spirit of celebration and fun. In many cases, like roni, for instance, the means to pay off the "fun spending" is not in question. There are people on this board with a lot of money. Each person has to decide for themselves what they can afford to spend.

    If I get approved for a card while building my "credit portfolio" at the same time someone else gets approved, and they post they are going to go out and celebrate by redecorating their living room, I don't feel that I have to do that also. And I don't feel that they advocated that I should. I think they were just happy they got approved, and they may or may not use that line of credit to redecorate or whatever.

    Just my thoughts on the subject, not a judgment.

  7. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Re: Other credit-related message bo

    Fair enough, breeze. I understand the point that you're making.

    And you are right about the widely varying incomes reported on this board. My income is relatively low, so I have to be extra careful not to let my spending habits get out of hand.
  8. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Other credit-related message bo

    Good points all around. I do think it's fair to point out, though, that there does exist a type of personality who views a line of credit as being equivalent to income. That type of person can't seem to remember that a credit card is simply a license to borrow somebody else's money. Instead, people like that open the envelope, pull out their pretty new card, and ask themselves, "Wow, a new $5,000 credit line -- what should I buy?"

    Of course, that characterization does NOT typify people who frequent Creditnet (or anywhere else, for that matter). However, it is worth pointing out that those people do exist. And, for their benefit, it probably doesn't hurt them to read posts like this every once in awhile.


    P.S. In the early 1980s, I *was* that type. It was the genesis of my credit problems, and I've since learned to respect credit in a far more mature way. I well remember sitting in a coffee shop with a friend, sipping expensive Expresso and wearing one of my $225 merino wool sweaters, literally crying about the hole I'd dug. Anybody who's ever sat in a bar, drunk, crying about their drinking problem, can probably relate. I have some other stories to tell, but I'll stop now before I dilute my main point here, LOL.
  9. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Other credit-related message bo

    Me too, compared to some. <turning green>

  10. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Other credit-related message bo

    LOL, breeze! :)

    Hey, while answering a question in another thread, I just came across a few legal-oriented message boards related to consumer credit.

    FreeAdvice.com maintains a "Credit & Collection Problems" message board:

    The American Bar Association's "FindLaw" web sites feature three consumer credit discussion boards:

    FindLaw Message Boards -- Credit Cards:

    FindLaw Message Boards -- Credit Reporting:

    FindLaw Message Boards -- Dealing with Creditors:

    These are worth bookmarking, I think.

  11. jshimmer

    jshimmer Well-Known Member

    Don't forget Millennium Credit Building Strategies

    Home of the Ultimate Creditor/CRA List !!

  12. lbowman

    lbowman Well-Known Member

    Re: Other credit-related message bo

    I've been a Fool member for over a year now and must say that: Yes, there are "know-it-all's" on the board who like to clean their credit according to the 7-year rule. They offer almost no advice on credit repair and if you post a question titled "CHARGEOFF" don't expect a reply. Members there tend to think that it's a bad mark for 7 years, NO EXCEPTIONS. I agree that the holier-than-thou attitude is one that keep new members away.


    ps. HOWEVER, if learning how to manage your money and use your credit wisely is what you're in search of, FOOL is the place to be.

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