OK...I am STILL trying to collect on the judgement I was awarded against my x-landlord. Anyone care to help me try to dig up any info on him? I have gotten the tax record for his county only showing real estate (I already had that), I found that he likes to beat women (via the states criminal search) but that is about it. Can anyone help me dig up anything else? I would love to see court records ect...free of course...LMAO State NC County: Forsyth City: Winston Salem HELP ME
Do you have any of your old checks that you paid rent with, that would show what bank he uses? If so, go to the court, get a writ of garnishment, have it served on the bank, and they will pull the money out his acct and send it to you. If he has the money needed in there.
You might check the State's Escheats web site. If he's skipping around, there may be money sitting in Raleigh waiting for you to file a recovery motion.
Hey there LKH. Is that the same as a Notice of Right? I just sent in my request for them to mail that to me. Everything I do has to be done by mail because I am in a different State. That seems to be making the process really slow.
Oh and are the rules the same for me as they are for other debtors about what I can leave and what I can not on the answering machine?
If you are referring to the rules of the FDCPA, I would say you are not a 3rd party debt collector. You are trying to collect on your own a debt owed to you, so no, the rules do not apply. As for Notice of Rights, I have never heard of that term, so I can't answer it.
Good idea. And to be sure that he has the money in there, you can call his bank, tell them that you have a check for x amount of dollars drawn on checking account #@@@@@, and you would like to verify funds are available to cash the check. They will tell you yes or no. If no, don't go to the bank yet. If yes, trot on down there and get your money!