OUCH!!! -76 points for 1 30-day past due?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by darin1274, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. darin1274

    darin1274 Active Member

    Ok...I have a GE money Credir card account that was reported incorrect for 30 days past due! They are going to reverse this with the CBR but my question is can 1 30 day cause that much damage? My score dropped from 662 to like 586!!! I have never been late since 2001.

    I called FICO and they told me that there is no guarantee that the 76 pts will be restored to my account!!! WHAT!!!!!! it was a mistake bt GE and now I have live with this? I'm buying a house and that is not acceptable!!!!

  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    "I called FICO and they told me that there is no guarantee that the 76 pts will be restored to my account!!! "

    FICO can only look at what is in your reports. If the late goes away, and everything else stays the same, it should go back.

    Of course, no one "guarantees" anything, especially when anyone else's screw-up can affect the results. Don't worry about it until it happens.
    Old chess wisdom: "Play the board."

    Get GE to confirm to you that they will correct their error, IN WRITING. If it can get screwed-up once, it can get screwed up again. A letter in your files can speed up future corrections over starting at square one.
  3. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    GE Money Bank will remove late notations as a matter of courtesy. This is their policy and it is fail-safe.

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