I have been searching all the posts on generations bank, but there are a few questions I have that weren't quite answered. 1. If you were approved did you apply for refi, or new purchase? 2. What were you scores? Denied or Approved? 3. Approvals: did you have ANY negs? 4. Denials: reasons for denial. 5. Do they ask for mileage? 6. Did you apply online or over the phone, how long for a response? And anything else that may help. Put it to you this way, I have a 2000 Honda Accord and I am about 3-4K upside down, my payments are $470 a month, but I pay $500 (the interest makes me gag, 11.99) I KNOW my credit is 2000x's better now than when I bought this car. I won't mind keeping my payments high, but the thought of paying on it another 3 1/2 years makes my stomach turn.
2. What were you scores? Denied or Approved? 540. Denied. 4. Denials: reasons for denial. Score too low. Needed 650. 5. Do they ask for mileage? I think so. 6. Did you apply online or over the phone, how long for a response? On the phone. They respond via email IF you are approved. Otherwise you do not hear from them other than the denial letter.
1. October 2001 - car refinance for $7000 with $1400 neg. equity, approved for 7.99%. 2. Trans Union score 687 (from Generations). 3. Trans Union report had 2X 30 day lates, both over 18 months old. 4. n/a 5. Yes, they want mileage and VIN # before giving you a decision. 6. I applied online for a CC. I received a response two business days later. I called a week after that to ask for a car refi instead of the CC. He gave me a decision that morning and put the pay-off check to my lien holder and my contract in the mail that afternoon. 1. February 2002 - credit card, $9000 credit limit, 12.9% apr, approved. 2. Trans Union score 688 (from Generations). 3. Trans Union report had 2X 30 day lates, both almost 2 years old. 4. n/a 5. n/a 6. I applied online. I received a response (phone call) two business days later. fyi - I spoke with the same LO who approved my car refi. I told him that the TU consumer score was 732, he said mine was 688, and though he couldn't give me the 9.9% apr. he'd meet me halfway and give me 12.9% apr even though my score qualified for 15.9%. He seemed interested that the TU consumer scores were significantly different than what he pulled.