That you've paid it makes little difference to your FICO score once it's been picked up by your credit report. OTOH, if you are applying for a loan like a car or a house, the lender would most likely rather see a paid one instead of an unpaid one so it's not all bad.
No it has not been recorded as of yet, I am sure scare that it will and my credit score will drop even though it is paid.. So will it?? If it does get reported?
It will definitely cause a drop in your credit score. However, after a couple of years, that hit will become less and continue to decrease over time. If it's been paid, that should satisfy any prospective lender, but it won't help your scores much, if at all.
It may not get reported if this is a small claims action in a jurisdiction without online docketing. Lexis Nexis tends not to catch those much. If it is reported, who knows how it will appear. It depends on how the troll picks it up and digests it. I'm speaking of Lexis Nexis.
It is small claims. I hope they don't pick it up.. I can't believe that if you lose in small claims and pay it, it effects your credit report.. Pretty stupid to me.
I had a similar issue. All-Cal had a judgement against me(stupid of me for not contesting and all) and I paid it off with them. I do not see it on my credit reports as a "public" item. THough a "Collection Agency" trade line does show up on TransUnion, but not on others.