My wife had a hospital bill that we paid in full several months ago, but yesterday I noticed on her credit report it had been sent to a collection agency. I can easily prove payment as I have the cancelled check, but what are my legal options? I'd like to collect a bit for my efforts aside from getting this thing deleted. Here's what I have: 1. Proof the account was paid in full. (Cancelled check) 2. The CA never sent notice of their actions...I only found out because they reported it. Any advice?
As and unpaid collection account. The opened date is several months after the date it was actually paid.
Until now, lbrown59, I never had much opinion about you. It's a shame you had to prove to me what everyone else here already knows.
Andrew, as much as I hate to have to say this, lbrown didn't mean that towards you. What he posted is exactly what Kiyi posted to him a couple of days ago about something.
I posted that about him? I think not. If you read it again you would see I was adding to his comments, Never once have I said anything to anyone on this board to make them feel as I was attacking them. Why do a few of you feel that I am or others are trying to attack others? Oh and one more thing, My email is always active, if you have aproblem with me, tell me. Don't be slinging shit about me without just cause.
I don't know if this post is addressed to me or not, but all I did was explain to Andrew what lbrown was responding to. I wasn't "slinging shit about you". Personally, I don't really care one way or the other, but Andrew misunderstood what lbrown was saying.
What he posted is "exactly" what Kiyi posted to him a couple of days ago about something. <===is this what you said? Is that what I said to him? No I added to what he stated. I never said that to him.
Kiyi, what you said is below. You are starting with me because I explained to Andrew what lbrown was responding to? Get a grip. I don't think an explanation to Andrew deserves the rath of Kiyi. By the way, it is apparent that lbrown took your post to be directed at him. Re: fastest way Kiyi | 330 posts since Apr 2002 | 06.12.2002 @ 12:38 or get off this board and get a job? EFX: 613 - 6/3 was 493 ew EXP: 565 - 5/7 was 535 ew TU : 570 - 5/7 was 539
Then again, lbrown sees FICO demons behind every rock and thinks we're all out to get him. If he keeps it up, sooner or later, he might be right. PS Kiyi, I got the joke the first time.
LKH, I have tons of respect from you, it seems tho every misunderstanding of something I wrote, you had to make a comment that I stated something to insult the other person. I get a very aggressive notion from you each one of the times. And yes it sets me off fast. I personally have nothing against you just at those instances. If I am mistaken then its dropped. As you can see I had...or on the front of the post, I was merely adding to what lbrown stated. He took is the wrong way also I didn't even know about it til last night.
As for your first sentence, I have no clue what you are referring to. I was not knocking you. Again, I was only explaining lbrowns response to Andrew. I actually thought it was funny when I first read the "get off the board and get a job" line. I was going to post something to go along with it but decided to hold it. Again, Kiyi, I was not knocking you. Only explaining.
LBrown- I'm curious, you're always knocking the CRA's and FICO, yet, I have never seen or heard of what YOUR scores are. FICO's system is undoubtedly flawed, but with people being so impatient nowadays, we needed some sort of scoring system in order to satisfy people's "online approval" craving. So do tell LB, what are your scores. What types of negatives have you had to deal, and how have the CRA's wronged you? Inquiring minds want to know, at least *I* do.
Re: Paid account goes to collection Yes, lbrown59, do please tell us what brought you to this board and how you have been helped as a result. Did you confront CAs or CRAs? Did you send disputes? Have they been successful? Have you filed any lawsuits? Have your scores improved? What was the motivation for your concerns to begin with -- mortgage, etc.? I, for one, would LOVE to see you contribute something that may help others in their quest to improve their credit ratings. Please, do share. Doc