Paid charge off's

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by debtkiller, Oct 8, 2003.

  1. debtkiller

    debtkiller Active Member

    Okay here's the deal have a number of accounts that
    I am currently paying off via settlement and fighting to try to get a mortgage wife has excellent credit, mine is in the toilet should I dispute paid charge offs ..or call OCR ask for re listing and throw myself on their just want a mortgage right now and trying to get in order am I living in a dream world ...don't want a mortgage at some outrageous interest rate
  2. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    I would try and dispute with the credit bureaus, you might get lucky and have a few deleted in the first round, and if that doesn't work, offer money for deletion with the CA's, DO NOT however let ANY of them know about you trying to get a mortgage!!

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