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Paid chargeoffs

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by VooDoo, Feb 25, 2003.

  1. VooDoo

    VooDoo New Member

    I'm been working on getting some paid collections/chargeoffs of credit reports using the estoppel and nutcase serious. I paid but didn't negotiate for deletion. So now I'm backtracking.

    Case 1
    On CA (National Credit Adjusters) has deleted the collections but the OC (BankFirst) has not. When I contacted the OC they told me that they sold the account to the CA and only the CA can update information on the credit reports. Does this mean that the CA can also have the CRA delete the OC's negative entries too? Alternatively, the OC sent me a letter confirming my settlement in full on the accounts. Should I send this to the CRA and request that this account be updated to Paid in full with no negatives?

    My other paid chargeoffs are with Cap1. In response to my estoppel letter, they sent me letters confirming receipt of payment in settlement and advised that they would update the CRs to show the accounts as settled. Of course, this is not what I wanted so i shot off another nutcase letter. In response to that they offered to convert one of the accounts to an open platium visa with no lates and show the other account as settled with no negatives? Is that a good deal? will that improve my scores?
  2. dixidriftr

    dixidriftr Well-Known Member

    CA's have no authority over OC's placing of information on credit reports as they are two separate business entities.

    Settlement notations are about as bad as a charge off.

    Don't send the CRA any letter referencing a settlement or accept any deals where they mark the account as settled unless you want to get screwed.
  3. Epitomee

    Epitomee Well-Known Member

    Well I just received a deletion for a paid ca and what they did write on the form was there company name the name of the company they were collecting for, and a request for the credit bureaus to delete all information from your credit reports.

    this is how it looks:

    The original creditor:__________________________

    Account number:______________________________

    Reference number:______________________________

    TRW number:____________________________________


    collection agency company name
  4. VooDoo

    VooDoo New Member

    so then a CA can have an OC's information deleted from the credit reports?
  5. Epitomee

    Epitomee Well-Known Member

    yes, according to the woman who worked for this CA, they are the assigned representative or something and therefore can act in the stead of the OC. She states it is according to the contract that is written up with the CA and the OC. Since this OC is an insurance company, they do not like to have angry people out there, so therefore I believe they can settle the accounts, delete or whatever as long as a percentage of the balance due is collected. I full paid this because I did not want anything coming back to bite me. She faxed a copy of the UDF AND A LETTER TO ME ON COMPANY LETTER HEAD. She said that their company electronically transmitt once a month to the CA, but she was faxing a copy of the UDF to all of the cra.
  6. kathycmh

    kathycmh Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Paid chargeoffs

    Are both the OC and the CA reporting separately on this?
  7. kathycmh

    kathycmh Well-Known Member

    Is the information being reported by the OC correct?
    Are they showing a balance? Incorrect dates?

    Just because the OC sold the debt does not negate the fact you once had an account with the OC. BUT if the OC wants to continue reporting the info it has to be 100% accurate. Balance Zero...Transferred/sold etc. Late payments can still be reported. Seems to me if the OC was who reported the info to the CRA then the OC would have to take it off.
  8. lynn26

    lynn26 Member

    Re: Re: Paid chargeoffs

    Can you please post the full letter you request CA to delete and their reply. It would be very helpful to know about this.

    Thank you
  9. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Seems like the other posters have overlooked this little tidbit.

    I think that is a heck of a deal.
    I believe that it would do them a world of good.
  10. Epitomee

    Epitomee Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Paid chargeoffs

    I was a real nutcase..hint hint and a real pain in the behind. I just sent each of the nutcase series but instead of waiting 30 days, I would send a letter every 3 days. Just how a collection agency would do me if I had an outstanding balance. What were they going to do, sue me for harassment. Also, I would call and ask to speak to this representative starting from Jan 15 to Feb 24, she got tired, so did her supervisor and voila, a deletiion letter was fowarded.

    My reasoning:

    CA will call you at all times of the day, call your friends, family, report you to all who want to see etc.. What I did, I called, wrote, called again, spoke to a rep, spoke to her again, left v-mails, emailed, wrote again, Spoke with the supervisor, etc..

    Basically I became a real pain in the behind.

    If you got my money, why are you still damaging me? Start with above actions and see where it will get you.

    I have not seen any cases for a person harassing a collecion agency and I decided if they would pursue litigation, this would be my opportunity to state my case in court.

    Imagine how they would look in court with them suing a consumer for harassment, hmmm shoe on the other foot, don't you think?
  11. lynn26

    lynn26 Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Paid chargeoffs

    Thank you for sharing yor success, I have the same problem CA delete but report was wrong info., Account... now its hard to deal with OC. I will try again of sending more letter to CA.

    I'm new here but I have reading this board on and off 2 month ago. Thanks again.
  12. Epitomee

    Epitomee Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Paid chargeoffs

    Let me clarify, my approach is a hardnosed, assinine approach which can merit you either a deletion or request for more information. I am a newbie and I have only been doing this for 2 months. Please follow the strategy outlined by the vets as their methods have been proven more effective than mine.

    (out of the 3 paid ca, only one has been deleted by my above strategy, the last two are proving very stubborn.)
  13. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Nobody else caught this so I will.

    You cannot have an account marked "settled" turned into a positive listing. The mere fact that it's settled means you paid less than what you owe.

    Think about it. Would a future creditor like to see that you gave someone else a hard time about paying your debt? "Settled" is a very negative comment.

    Second, your strategy for dealing with a DF in the case of a paid CO is to use the FCRA.

    Tell them they are reporting incorrect info. and if they don't fix it you'll sue them. AND TELL THEM NOTHING MORE.

    To figure out what they're reporting they'll pull your CR. Pulling a CR without a PP is a violation, which in turn, is used to force your deletion.



    (This strategy has been discussed many times).
  14. Epitomee

    Epitomee Well-Known Member

    Thanks Butch, that is what I am going to state to this one paid collection account and if they pull, whamo...Going for the jugular.
  15. lynn26

    lynn26 Member


    I just come up the idea of this short letter to CA, I hope Butch or other Vets will give an advise or suggestion.Hopefully this will give a good solution.

    United Recovery System

    To whom it might concern:

    Thank you very much for your recent deletion of the negative entries on my account report.

    Due to the potential inaccurate report filed by your previous report to Credit Bureau. Would you please delete all information from my credit report. Since I have paid the account in full as agreed to in settlement and has been satisfied by the Creditor. Since you are the assigned representative, therefore you are to act as the Stead of the Original Creditor representative to collect debts. Please fill out the letter form attached( Epito. sample) and include the UDF ( Universal Data Form) and request the Credit Bureau to delete all Info. of this account on my credit report. Please send me a copy of UDF.

    Thank you for your cooperation to resolve this matter.



    cc: bbb( may be or may be not?)

    This account was report: paid/collection now paid/charge off and wrong bal. and wrong charge off date( 1 acct. 120 days, 1 acct. 180 days), wrong acct. #(EQ). Acct. has been dispute one time, 3 verified.
    Does anyone has luck dealing w. Household(best-buy) bank?
  16. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member

    For the cost of a certified letter to any OC or CA and a $70.00 filing of suit I can get any OC or CA to delete in no time.

    Listen to Butch..make the FCRA and FDCPA work for you!!

    No one ever said you can't dispute a paid account, right??

    Get the point?

  17. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member


    I'm not sure I'm getting the jist of what you are trying to accomplish, maybe I missed something.

    What are you trying to do with that letter and what is the background and info on this company that your sending this letter to?


  18. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    I think the best charge that could be filed on them would be a charge of prostitution.
    Of course, the proper charge for collection agencies and attorneys would be molestation.

    So what would you file on them?
  19. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member

    Prostitution.....Hmmm....that's one I never thought of Bill, I wonder if that would stick?? LOL!!

    Basically in my dealings and experience I have never seen an OC, CA or CRA list or communicate an account that is in dispute by a consumer.

    You dispute the PAID account for whatever reason with CA or OC, request and investigation with the CRA and sit back and wait for the results and your credit report to come back showing that the OC or CA verified and that there is no notation listed that the account is in dispute.

    Send a letter of intent to sue to the CA or OC.

    I have had some cave at this point, so a suit was necessary.

    Most won't even respond to your letter of intent.

    You then file suit and negotiate deletion for dropping the suit.

    It has worked for me 7 times in the past year and I not only have I gotten the deletion but I also gotten a couple of bucks out of it too!

    Couldn't be simpler for those accounts that refuse to budge!

    A word of caution...This was used for mostly paid accounts and accounts that were past the statute of limitations, so the CA or OC could not sue me as well. If the charge-off is not paid then calling and trying your hardest to settle for less and deletion is your best thing to do. If they will not settle for deletion then at least try and settle with them for much less then what you owe them and get it in writing. After a month or so of paying the account you could then pursue them for any past or future FCRA/FDCPA violations and then force their hand to delete, they will!

    Good Luck!

  20. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Paid chargeoffs

    Oh, why do I get so lucky? I sent out validation to one, and they immediately put it on my reports, and added "in dispute".

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