Paid collection question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by aj2001, Apr 28, 2005.

  1. aj2001

    aj2001 Active Member

    I have a collection that I paid of in 2003, all of my credit reporst still show it on there w/ a balance of $122-143 depending on cra.
    I called the collection agency a few weeks ago and have a letter from them stating it has been paid since 2003, i also have the original letters from 2003 showing it paid.
    Do I need to enclose copies of this letter w/ my dispute letter to the CRAS or is that just validating a bad account?
    Whats my safest option?
    Thanx much.
  2. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    no no no no no do NOT send that to the CRA.

    have you tried just disputing as "not yours" with the CRA's?
  3. aj2001

    aj2001 Active Member

    Thats exactly what I did, only been 3.5 weeks though havent gotten any letters yet.I just wanted to make sure I did the right thing
    thanx much
  4. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member


    you had me worried!

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