Paid collection, reporting NEW coll

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Eriala, Jun 7, 2005.

  1. Eriala

    Eriala New Member

    Someone PLEASE, I hear this is forum is the best so I am coming to you for advice.

    Tmobile reported me to collections (we had a dispute that they said I authorized my contract to renew, I never did, I would have at least gotten a new phone for it.) Long irrelevant story...... Its all he-said, she-said.

    Since I have paid Superior Asset Management (settled in full). I have my on-line confirmation that I paid them and a paid in full letter from them dated 3/24/05.

    I disputed right away, and 2 times after that, with my CBs and they keep saying that it is a valid UNPAID collection.

    I've called collection agency and re-sent them my confirmation that I paid and I am getting the run around from them.

    I have equifax's credit alert membership and YESTERDAY's alert was "NEW COLLECTION"

    guess who? Superior Asset Management.....

    What steps can I do to clear this up. I really want it OFF my report, since Tmobile falsely extended my contract.

    Thanks for reading this, its been stressing me out.

    I appreciate ANY advice.

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