Someone PLEASE, I hear this is forum is the best so I am coming to you for advice. Tmobile reported me to collections (we had a dispute that they said I authorized my contract to renew, I never did, I would have at least gotten a new phone for it.) Long irrelevant story...... Its all he-said, she-said. Since I have paid Superior Asset Management (settled in full). I have my on-line confirmation that I paid them and a paid in full letter from them dated 3/24/05. I disputed right away, and 2 times after that, with my CBs and they keep saying that it is a valid UNPAID collection. I've called collection agency and re-sent them my confirmation that I paid and I am getting the run around from them. I have equifax's credit alert membership and YESTERDAY's alert was "NEW COLLECTION" guess who? Superior Asset Management..... What steps can I do to clear this up. I really want it OFF my report, since Tmobile falsely extended my contract. Thanks for reading this, its been stressing me out. I appreciate ANY advice.
No need to stress. send them the following "you have XX days to delete this or the next correspondece you receive will be from my lawyer". LOL! Seriously - threaten to sue for their willful noncompliance.
really, is that it? You make it sound so easy,, I've heard that I shouln't deal w/ them directly, that I should only talk to CBs.
Who knows, or cares, whether the CA is incompetent, or trying to fraudulently collect twice. You keep good records, so you know the end-game. You can't count on phone calls to get results. If they agree to correct, insist that they confirm in writing. Follow up if they fail. You may need to take legal action to actually get the error removed, so keep good records as it may convince them to fold quickly, or pay damages.
You have already disputed thru the CBs, and the CA has "verified". You are therefore ready to sue. Keep your credit reports showing the error. You might determine what damage this is causing, i.e. pull FICO, or see if it is affecting your ability to apply for credit, or your terms with other creditors.
ok, thanks I am sending via certified mail the following letter (I am posting it, incase it can help someone else) and I will post the results. Thanks again !!!!!! June 8, 2005 Via U.S. Certified Mail William D. Smith, Esq. Law Office of Smith & Associates 5720 Peachtree Park Way, Suite 350 Norgross, GA 90092 Re: File No. XXXXXXX Dear Mr. Smith: Please take this correspondence as a formal notice of my intent to file a lawsuit against the Law Office of Smith and Associates, should this matter not be resolved within ten (10 ) working days. As you know, I have paid my above-referenced account in full on March 16, 2005. I received a letter from Isaac Coleman on March 25, 2005 confirming that this account is â??settled in fullâ?. I disputed with the credit bureaus; the inaccuracy of this account after it was paid. On June 1, 2005 I received a correspondence from Equifax verifying this account as unpaid. About 1 week later the account was posted as a â??new collectionâ?. This is causing me unnecessary stress, and it is further damaging my ability to apply for credit, and my terms with my current creditors. I have also been declined medical treatment due to an â??unpaid collectionâ?. Should this continue to show on my credit report I will be forced to forward all my telephone logs, correspondence, and further documentation pertaining to this matter to my attorney. Unless you can have this item deleted from my report in ten (10) business days. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me in writing to the address below. Very truly yours, My Name Address
"I have also been declined medical treatment due to an ?unpaid collection?." That's what would get the attention of an attorney, whether theirs or yours.