Paid med collection shows as unpaid

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by hsimpson, Dec 18, 2002.

  1. hsimpson

    hsimpson Member

    My wife has an entry from a CA showing as an unpaid collection, but her mother did pay it. It was two or three months late because they sent the bill to the wrong address. It was a medical bill for $138.

    So should we try to clear it up by phone the with the CA or by mail only? How should we dispute it with the CRA's if the CA doesn't clear it up?

    I read somewhere recently (probably here) that a validation letter works wonders since the CA can't legally get any documentation. Basically they don't have the right to your private medical info, thus you can send an intent to sue letter based on incomplete validation and settle for deletion.

    Please tell me if this sounds like the first strategy we should use.

    HJ Simpson
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    your first strategy should be to dispute with the CRA's. I would dispute as "not mine" and hope that the ca, since they have their money, would not bother to respond, resulting in deletion.

    you really want a deletion, not an update, since paid collections do not have a positive impact on your credit score!
  3. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Hey Homer, (lol)

    UnionDiva is right on as usual, but my strategy might be slightly different.

    If you're pretty decent on a phone you might call and describe the "Wrong Address" aspect of the "Misundertsanding". Ask for their co-operation in removing the derog.

    Failing that, I'd go directly to small claims and file. As soon as they get the summons and case number they'll call you, probably same day, begging you to drop in exchange for deletion. Since it's so small and paid anyway, they don't want to waste time dealing with a mad/rabid dog like you. :)

    All too often a lawsuit or the distruction of our CR is the first communication from these people. It's past time to turn the tables. If they won't cooperate, your next communication should be from a Sherrif.

    This is, by the way, the natural extension of the Nutcase Strategy. The filing will send a message, "geez, this guy really is serious".

    Might cost ya $40 but hey, cost of doing business.

  4. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member


    I love it when you push the aggressive, testostorone friendly, credit advice. you know how diva's like the strong, assertive type!
  5. hsimpson

    hsimpson Member

    Thanks for the advice. It's her decision and I doubt she'll go for court. That could change in a hurry if she doesn't get 0% financing with Ford though. Hey! That would be actual damages huh?

    Thanks y'all!

    HO HO HOmer

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