Palisade Collections?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Hermit5, Jun 11, 2002.

  1. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    Anyone ever heard of this company?

    Are they related to Gulf States? their address is in Duluth, Ga.

    They just placed a collection account on my report and I have no idea where it came from.
  2. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Hiya, hubby just got hit with them. I just sent out validation letter and have found out that they have not posted the required third-party bond in my state of TX. Where are you? That might help as they seem to not be "up" on the law ...

    Like any CA's are..but you get the idea..:)

    BTW, same thing...nothing before..just got it showing up on the contact from them at all so far
  3. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member

    Anyone have contact info for them?

    I just got a combined report from my CU (mortgage loan app) and out of nowhere there is a collection from Palisades on both Experian and Equifax.

    I sure as hell never heard of them and certainly have NOT been contacted...

    DANSTARR Well-Known Member

    I just saw them on my Credit Report. They told me it is At&t. I lost the telephone number.
    Good luck.
  5. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Palisades Collections, Inc.
    2425 Commerce Ave., Ste 10
    Duluth, GA 30096

    They clearly just got a bunch of accounts from AT&T..let's flood them with validation requests. Again...illegal in TEXAS!
  6. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, OSI and Gulf State come up at that address, just different suites.

  7. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    Yup. They arn't legal in Alaska and yes its an ATT collection. I haven't done business with them in 7 years and have always paid. I can remember paying this bill. I have to check the files to see if I have reciepts.

    Interesting thing is they are reporting it as disputed and I haven't done that yet.

    Oh, lets nail them on this one. Its Gulf States.

    They are gonna buy me a new computer!

    P.S. Nana: I just can't love the Avs but I am all for Irbe and the Canes!!
  8. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    I'll forgive you. Yup...Canes have won my respect, no doubt...and little Irbe..what a guy! So, I have my Eastern and my Western Conference team with the AVS the 100% #1 for me...teehee

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    P.S. Nana: I just can't love the Avs but I am all for Irbe and the Canes!!
    I don't know what that is...I THOUGHT YOU HURT YOUR LEG AND HAD TO WALK WITH A CANE NOW...
  10. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    And, "irbe" was a special home remedy tea mixture made from natures own garden? AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA....

    A little hint: I would have LOVED any team not the wings...

    Now, have fun with that, George...teehee
  11. Mommy2cats

    Mommy2cats Well-Known Member

    Yee, Palisades is indeed Gulf State/OSI.

    I found a new entry on my credit report just three days ago. In one section it listed it as Palisades, but in another it outright said OSI.

    And this is for AT&T.

    Just sent a validation request a few days ago.

  12. Toothman

    Toothman Well-Known Member

    I just received a "happygram" from Palisades on my Experian myself.

    The funny thing is that I haven't had AT & T in nearly 6 years.
  13. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    We haven't had AT&T since 96-97 with no unpaid bills. It's so wierd.
  14. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member

    Thanks NanaC

    Sounds like these folks are real losers. As I recall, we haven't had AT&T in at least three years, and never in my name.

    What grates me is that they have made no attempt to contact me at all. I mean, if I truly do owe them $29 I would gladly pay it when shown. Grrrr.
  15. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member

    On a related note...

    Do I need to have a fresh copy of my credit reports to dispute this, or will the combined work?

    If I need a fresh copy (which is my understanding) are there any more of those free offers for Experian or Equifax available. (The 30 day trials.) I have already done them directly through the CRA versions, so I don't expect them to let me again, heh.
  16. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: On a related note...

    I would try the dispute with the number you have on hand (report number)....but I've disputed without an official report number. I will tell you that they are only showing up on one CRA so you might check about that so you don't dispute where it isn't present.
  17. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member

    Re: On a related note...

    NanaC, on my merged report it says under SOURCE: "EFX01;EXP01". It's a merge from Trans Union ("MATCH MERGE INFILE CREDIT REPORT").

    I assume that it means they have reported to both, since the other data matches my reports.
  18. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: On a related note...

    Jambe..I agree...yes, I would just dispute, then...I would surely not buy another report! Maybe someone has the trial links you mentioned...but I think you are safe regardless disputing without a number.

    Keep me informed and I'll do the same, o.k.?
  19. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    Same here. And I ddi have a bill with them that went a month late but paid it in full at the time.

    Sounds like a numbers game and they are just trying to extort as much as they can int he hopes of us not pqying attention.

    Lawsuit time.
  20. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member

    Re: On a related note...

    Well, I was able to use an old report number with Experian via the online dispute form.

    If you are wanting to see your Experian report and have ever gotten one from them, it seems you can just ask to dispute and you will be presented with your current report. (It will not be available in a single page view though.)

    I didn't manage to get to this until it was too late to call Equifax, and they don't have online dispute resolution for my area...

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