Parking tickets

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by McEngle, Jun 27, 2006.

  1. McEngle

    McEngle Active Member

    I am currently DV'ing a collection agency turned in by the city of Seattle for parking violations. I've dv'd to two different collectors one from Michigin, one from Washington. They have continued to charge an obsene amout of interest as I validate them, I have about five signiture confirmations and a stack of bills, they just keep sending them after recieving them. I request validation, they provide me with a printout of the tickets reported and charge interest. I reported them to the attorney general and they advised me to write a cease and desist letter. I did and recieved a printout from the court. I tried debt settlement and they sent my check back and told me to contact Alliance One. So I wrote to the court explaining that I've requested that Alliance One cease and desist because they failed to validate the debt violating my consumer rights by charging interest and CA reporting, so I want to deal with them, the original creditor. I also requested a payment arrangement if they could not settle the debt for a reasonable amount. I sent that two weeks ago, but my caller id shows that Alliance One called me on Tuesday at home. They've never called before.

    5 tickets @$60 $300 4/2/06
    Now $630 6/26/06

    Can the city suspend my license because I'm disputing it? Or since they are parking tickets, is that considered a judgement? They hold registrations if they go unpaid, that is why I'm trying to pay it, but I do not want to pay the interest and fees when the CA failed to validate.
    Any advice is appreciated.
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Interest and fees should be a matter of law.

    First, have you contacted your deparment of motor vehicles, to determine what they should be charging? Then try contacting your state representative's office, if they are tacking on charges not allowed by law.
  3. nb

    nb Member

    Are any of the legitimate?
  4. nb

    nb Member

    If you go to the court, they should be able to make copy of the actual ticket and see signature?

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