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Partial C&D enforceable?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by runawayjim, Apr 2, 2008.

  1. runawayjim

    runawayjim Active Member

    I sent a partial C&D (no phone, only written communication) to Nationwide and they stopped calling me and my in-laws daily. But recently (about a month later) they called again. The rep said she knew there was a request to keep everything in writing but claimed she was not sure they'd be able to do that.

    She also never said she was collecting a debt and also claimed she was the OC when I answered (later admitting she was actually the CA). She said she is a supervisor and gave me her full name. And left messages at other numbers.

    Do I have legal recourse, especially if this continues? Or are only full C&D's enforceable?


  2. greg1045

    greg1045 Well-Known Member

    They should have fully complied with the C&D request. See a lawyer and sue their a...s.
  3. hannah

    hannah Well-Known Member

    What did you say in your partial C&D? Language is important to this.
  4. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Her statements are actionable but, your request may not be.

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