Past Due, charge off

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by macee123, Jul 17, 2005.

  1. macee123

    macee123 New Member

    I need some serious help here. I have an account with Chevron opened in 99. I had to file Ch13 BK in 2000 to hold off creditors. As soon as I got back on my feet in 2002 I had the BK dismissed. Back in November 2004 Chevron got word that the BK was dismissed and called the account past due, it is also listed as a charge off.

    DOLA is listed as 3-2000. I don't mind paying the balance but I don't want to restart the clock either. I've tried the goodwill letter to CEO, pay for delete, etc with no no luck. They will only agree to update the account as a paid charge off. Is there anything else I can do? Is there a SOL defense? Thanks in advance.

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