Patelco approved for 2k with sipulation after checking online for status of application...will I get that in email or in the mail? what will they ask for before sending cards out? And is Patelco prime or subprime? will Patelco report to all 3 credit agencies? TIA Tom
Oh yeah, I think I would say Patelco is prime, depending on the rate you get... to me, less than 10 is definitely prime.
We were approved w/stipulations and I called the 800 number and asked what they needed? They wanted last paystub from hubby, so we faxed... and opening a savings acct., so we sent $50 and opened the savings. Then they needed valid copies of both DL and SS cards to open the sav. acct., so we faxed both. All good!
Ok, they just needed confirmation of employment... i'm approved! Question, on the status page, is the "loan amount" my credit limit? It is the same amount that I requested, so I wasn't sure...