Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by gagliano3, Nov 5, 2004.

  1. gagliano3

    gagliano3 Well-Known Member

    I'm so F**king pissed off...

    I applied online for Patelco Visa last Saturday evening.... on Monday Nov 1st... I got e-mail telling me I was approved for $2k and they need me to fax them our driver's licenses, SS cards, my pay stub and proof of one of utility bill. I did fax them. Then I got e-mail today saying we're not able to approve your request for Visa at this time. Naturally I was puzzled and decided to call them and find out what's going on?

    Get this... they told me they recieived my fax and decided my wife's SS card is not real and my pay stub seems to be changed by handwriting... HUH! I said, I told them this is the U.S. Goverment pay-stub!!!!!!! my wife SS is from early 1980's and mine is newer because I lost it and requested replacement.

    I told them I was willing to mail orginial copy of our SS cards and my paystub... they said SORRY your account has been closed (huh? I never opened it yet!)

    So WTF is going on? I naturally feel bad about this...they denied based on that, not our credit report because they approved in the first place but the real reason was the above mentioned! I told them who I can contact, she said sorry you'll have to re-apply and best that you come to California to apply... I told them I live in Florida! and that was it!

    This is wrong...they should accept real proof by mailing them or something giving me chance and not wasting our *HARD* inquiry!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I don't know what to do! What do you think? what can I do to show them proof this is real documents, etc...

  2. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Copies of your 1040's?

  3. gagliano3

    gagliano3 Well-Known Member

    How would they believe a copy from my 1040 because I did my taxes via TurboTax and I printed these for my records...anyone can change info and re-print a new fake 1040.

    But my point is that why would they shut me out? They should at least accept my offer for sending in real paystub, I can even send in official Florida's ID card (I also have Driver's license, Fla allows a person to have ID and driver's license)... I have extra SS card that I can send them then they can look at *REAL* thing rather than fax and they can return it to me! (I think fax could distort the image, does that happen?)

    I'm kinda upset and I was hoping for that prime card and first unsecured visa!


  4. gagliano3

    gagliano3 Well-Known Member

    *bump* :)

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    Take your business to another card...THEY DON'T WANT YOUR BUSINESS!!!

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  7. gagliano3

    gagliano3 Well-Known Member

    Such as? I'm looking for (hopefully) prime banks that pulls TU and/or Equifax ONLY because these 2 doesn't report my BK7 nor have accounts that were included in BK and these 2 has FICO scores of 755 and 757.

    (Experian has BK7 in there as well as 7 included in BK accounts, *YET* that FICO score is 702!!!)

  8. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    looks like they approved you based on your relatively good FICO Scores, but when it came time to set up the account someone noticed the BK's and overode the approval.

    Now they are trying to Cover Their A**es by giving you a line about your documents not looking valid.

    as other posters have stated take your business elsewhere.

    If you are in FL why would you want to do business witha Credit Union in CA?

    Look for a Credit Union in Florida!
  9. judyputy

    judyputy Well-Known Member

    I don't think they cared about the BK. They just approved us for $1500 with my FICO score of 664 and 2 months out from discharge of a Chpt 7. We also faxed our SS and DL cards, along with a pay stub with no problems. I agree, forgot about the account.

    One thing... if your wifes SS card is that old looking, maybe she should claim she lost it and ask for a new card from SS. Couldn't hurt for future use.
  10. TradeWiz50

    TradeWiz50 Well-Known Member

    Your getting way to worked up over a Visa card.

    Move on. Let it go.
  11. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    I'm not surprised, they are a strange bunch... they seem to make you jump through an awful lot of hoops and they really don't make it clear what these hoops entail. For instance, I received an email from them requesting proof of employment and told me to join CU online. I did this the same day it was requested. I heard nothing from them, so I emailed and asked what is the problem. Now, I'm told that I have to open a saving account and send proof of ID, including DL, SS card, and recent utility bill. Why wouldn't they just tell me that they needed all this info upfront? Now I have to pay for another fax. I'm starting to get a little leary of them... I know no other company that requires so much "proof."

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