i looked on the sample letter forum. Does anyone have a sample of a pay for delete letter to a collection agency?
In Re: Your name & Account # Dear Collection Manager: It has come to my attention through the credit bureaus that you claim I owe a debt to your agency. I can save us both some effort & time by "Settling the debt out". Below is my offer. It is not a renewed promise to pay nor does it constitute any agreement unless you sign and return it. Note, I have not agreed yet that this debt is mine and have the option to seek further proof from your agency of this debt. It has also come to my attention that your agency regularly purchases debts in the course of doing business. Suffice to say, you hold all the rights to report the debt to the credit bureaus as you see fit and you can change that listing at any time as the source reporting the debt. I am sure you are aware of my right to dispute this debt and request full proof of the obligation. Paying this unverified debt to you means little to me if we cannot mutually agree that you will report the debt as mentioned below. While I realize that your purpose is to collect debts as a collection agent, I am also aware of what a paid collection would represent for me, which is not favorable. That being said, I have concurred through the bureaus that you have the absolute right to report this debt as you see fit or not report it at all. Please do not quote to me that you are unable to change the listing or I will be forced to cease and desist our communication and request full lengthy verification of the debt. My goal is to arrange a term acceptable to both us since this debt is questionable. I will pay your company the amount of $xx as payment in full for the full satisfaction of this account. Upon receipt of the above payment, your company has agreed to change the entry on my credit reports to Paid, no lates. You further agree to remove all previous notation of delinquency. If you concur with these terms please acknowledge with your signature and return it to me. You agree the terms herein are confidential and you have the authority to make such decisions. No payment will be made without written confirmation. Upon receipt of this signed acknowledgment, I will immediately mail you funds priority mail. This is not a renewed promise to pay but rather a restricted offer only. If no terms can be met, no new arrangements will be made and the offer will be void. Name of Creditor: Signature of company officer : Date: Sincerely, Name Address Social security number Do not sign your name!
A short answer would be easiest but I like stories. When I was a dept. mgr back in another lifetime, I had a very busy boss. Several times when it came time to run our promotion materials for marketing, he would have edited the letter but forgot to sign it. Rather than hold up production, we would take a old letter of his, cut out the signature and tape it to the new letter and photocopy it. Looked perfect. Another person here shared the itea of shading the back of the signature with pencil and copying over. Now imagine what a collection agent might do if they had your signature in hand. What could they put it on showing you agreed to?
I am right handed, but I taught myself to sign my name lefthanded. That is all I can write left handed, but I use that when corresponding to anyone who I think would forge my signature! or when using the computer, I just use a script font to "sign" my letter
This doesn't look like a pay for delete but rather a pay for correction. If I am going to pay off a CA with a settlement wouldn't it benefit me more to have them delete there entire entry off my credit report instead of just putting Paid as agreed with no deliquencies? Are they not able to delete off the report entirely?
This doesn't look like a pay for delete but rather a pay for correction. If I am going to pay off a CA with a settlement 2*wouldn't it benefit me more to have them delete there entire entry off my credit report instead of just putting Paid as agreed with no delinquencies? 3*Are they not able to delete off the report entirely? Furtik ================ 2*This is Correct You don't want anything less than deleting the entire entry off your credit report. The mere fact that A CA appears on your reports is a derog regardless of how it's listed or what the comments are about the debt. 3*There is nothing to prevent them from deleting.
Upon receipt of the above payment, 1*your company has agreed to change the entry on my credit reports to Paid, no lates. 2*You further agree to remove all previous notation of delinquency. Shanyl ==================== Shan this is not right: You missed a couple of points here. 1*You can't have A CA listing that wasn't late! ! How do you think it got to the CA if it wasn't late? 2*How do you have an Account with a CA if it wasn't delinquent? Any account a CA has had to have been delinquent or they would not have had it. A-50-C
Re: Re: pay for delete letter Why lose the TL thopugh? Because it's a Neg. TL Neg. Trade Lines Trash credit and Kill scores;so why would you want it on your report ? ? ? A-50-C
Well this just shows how I need to watch what I cut and paste <gg>. I actually haven't used it, I was just grabbing from the sample letters I have stored. I concure with you, I'd not want it marked paid unless it was an installment / loan acct with an OC. If it has ANYTHING to do with collections, I want it off of there completely. Thanks for the heads up LB.
Re: Re: pay for delete letter I missed it the other day when i read your post but thanks to the other poster quoting you I caught it today.