I have 2 accts. that have been charged off. This is what it says on my CR for both accts. They are from the same Creditor. Account charged of/Past due 150 days/ $xxx written off/$xxx past due as of March 2005 What should or can I do? At the time, I was unable to make payments. I tried to work with them, but it didn't work. No one is calling either. Are they going to call or have they just given up??? The balance on one acct. is under $500, so I can afford to pay that off. The other is over 3g and I am still not able to handle that. At one time, I offered to pay 2g and have them delete the neg. on my report, but never heard back from them. In my CR acct. history, one says "Charge Off as of May 2004 to Feb 2005" the other says "Charge Off as of Apr 2004 to Mar 2005" Any advice, please!
Thanks for the reply. Yes, the DOLA is a year ago. I sent the PFD CMRRR. It was signed with some scribble. I have no idea what the signature even said. It was just a scribble. Now what?
start with PFD on the $500 account. in the letter reiterate what you want, that you haven't heard from them and they have until XX date to either accept or decline your offer. "they" tend to be more likely to agree to PFD when you can pay in full. Once that account is resolved, start on the other one but include a payment schedule with this one, ie, I agree to pay $200 per month for 10 months at which time this tradeline will be removed from my credit report.