Pay OC or CA??

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by knk112, May 21, 2008.

  1. knk112

    knk112 Member

    Should I call the OC to see if I can still pay B4 I pay the CA. Does the CA have to delete the entry from my report if I paid the OC? Any sample PDF to send to the CA if account has been sold? Or OC if not?
  2. knk112

    knk112 Member

    I owe about $200 in copays for emergency visit treatment. Do you think if I paid the hospital directly the CA will go away from my report? Which route should I go PDF with CA or just pay OC?
  3. unlvgro37

    unlvgro37 Well-Known Member

    It should as that payment will remove the validity of the CA. Always deal with the OC if possible
  4. myturn

    myturn Member

    You need to find out who OWNS the debt, the oc or the ca? If the ca owns it ask the hospital if they can pull it back from the ca. If they won't then do a pfd to the ca, get everything in writing before you pay a cent!

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