Pay off debt question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by learby, Sep 24, 2004.

  1. learby

    learby Active Member

    I would like to pay off a credit card debt that I have and get all trade lines removed from CR.

    The CC debt was a charge off, and is now with a collector, so if I pay them and have them sign an agreement to remove tag lines, the OC can still leave the charge off line on my CR ?

    If the account was not sold can I go around the collecter and go back to the OC ?

    Is there a way around this ?

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  2. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Hi Learby,

    Yes. When you have 2 TL's for the same account, (one from the OC and one from the CA) your best shot is to try to go back to the OC and negotiate payment for a complete withdrawal of the account from collections as; "reported in error".

    This triggers a deletion from the CA too.

  3. learby

    learby Active Member

    TY Sir


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