pay to delete letter

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by trip, Mar 2, 2006.

  1. trip

    trip Member

    i did a search and couldn't find a sample pay to delete letter.

    i checked the sample letter forum as well.

    i'm i missing one that's right in front of my face?
  2. kustomkat

    kustomkat Well-Known Member

    pay to delete letter is simple.

    dear scumbag collection agency,

    It has recently come to my attention that you are erronously reporting a collection account on my credit report thus adversly affecting my credit profile.

    However in good fait to resolve this matter I am willing to pay you $balance owed in exchange for deletion of this account.

    It would be in both our best interest to come to an amicable resolution so that I do not have to pursue this matter further.

    Please reply with in writing with in 30 days of your intentions.



    you could add some legalese from the fcra and fdcpa
    to make it more strongly worded otherwise i would try to play nice and see where that gets you.

    i have been getting a ton of small collections removed for friends with this method.
  3. trip

    trip Member

    i dug this one up. i'm trying to deal with verizon wireless. look good? i also read in 2 threads specifically about verizon that mail isn't the best way to go with them, and in another that is worked. any suggestions?

    Dear Collection Manager:

    Upon recent review of my _____ credit report, it has come to my attention that you claim I owe a debt to your agency. As of todayâ??s date, this debt has not been verified as legitimate to me through my mini Miranda right. However, since the amount that you claim I owe is such a small amount, I would like to save us both some time & effort by settling the debt with your agency.

    Please do not construe this settlement offer as an acknowledgment of my liability for this debt, and I retain the right, if I choose, to seek proof that this debt belongs to me. My goal is to seek a settlement arrangement that is acceptable to both of us since this debt is unverified and questionable.

    I realize that it is your job to collect unpaid debts, but an â??unpaid collectionâ? vs. a â??paid collectionâ? means little to me as both are unfavorable listings on my credit report. Paying this unverified debt would be of no advantage to me, if the listing remains on my credit report. With that said, I am aware that you have the right to report this debt to the credit reporting agencies, or not to report it all. Please do not waste my time by telling me that you are unable to remove this unfavorable listing, or I will be forced to withdraw my settlement offer and request full verification of this debt.

    I will pay your agency $xx, as payment in full, for the satisfaction of this debt that you allege I owe in exchange for a full deletion of all references regarding this account from my credit profile with all of the national credit reporting agencies.

    If you agree with these terms, please acknowledge with your signature and return it to me. Upon receipt of this signed agreement, I will immediately mail you a money order for the amount stated above via priority mail. No payment will be made without written confirmation.

    You agree that the terms herein are confidential and that you have the authority to make such a decision. If no terms can be met, no new arrangements will be made and this offer will be null and void.
  4. MmmPeachy

    MmmPeachy New Member

    Was it stupid of me to call the two collection agencies who have accounts against me and ASK if they deleted? I was told both times that they don't, under any circumstances, do this. When told that they don't delete, I responded with a "Well, I'm not sure this debt is mine, so I'll get back to ya." After these calls, am I still in a position to send a "pay to delete letter"? Or would this just be a waste of time since they've already assured me it's not possible?

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