Payment plan from lawyer's office?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by annakate, Oct 17, 2005.

  1. annakate

    annakate New Member

    Here is the situation - I have a Household Bank account (dept. store card) that is charged off and a lawyer is handling it, balance around $3500. Today, I got in touch with the lawyer's office that is trying to collect and arranged a payment plan. Some things that struck me as odd in our conversation - they wanted to know where I worked, saying that there was no way they could set up a plan without that information. They also want to do a series of postdated checks for the monthly payments. Are these normal things?
    Also, I asked if they could drop the negative marks on my credit report when it is paid in full, and was told that the only thing they can do is report it as paid, and that there is no way to change something that is already reported. I know that's not true, so is something fishy with this office? I haven't committed to anything, I'm waiting to get the agreement in writing before I give them my bank info.
  2. JohnA

    JohnA Well-Known Member

    Are you sure this IS a lawyer? This sounds like a CA posing as a lawyer which is a violation. You're under no obligation to reveal your employer.

    DO NOT give out post-dated checks on your personal checking account to the CA.

    IF this is a legitimate debt, and you are willing to settle it with a CA, do not make any payment without settlement terms in writing.

    You have something they want - money - and you can leverage that into acceptable terms not only for payment but reporting.

    Anything that is reported can be changed.

    But get any terms in writing..
  3. annakate

    annakate New Member

    Yes, the debt is legit, and I'd like to settle, but there's no way I can do a lump sum settlement right now.
    I'm pretty sure it is a lawyer, by the name of Bamford in Dallas.
    If they insist on post dated checks, am I SOL if I can't convince them otherwise?

    What would the recommended course of action be?
  4. JohnA

    JohnA Well-Known Member

    "Pretty sure" *isn't* certainty and you need to confirm if this is a CA - or an attorney. If you're in TX, you're in luck because it has very favorable consumer laws.

    I am suspicious just based on the claim that these individuals have attempted to tell you they had to have your current employment information and there is a demand for post-dated checks.

    Are they in fact entitled to make a claim on this debt? Just because they say they own it, doesn't mean they do.

    Have you only spoken to this alleged attorney via the telephone? Have you received letters?
  5. annakate

    annakate New Member

    I'm in FL... I have spoken to them on the phone, and received one letter via mail. I googled the phone number and it did come back with a name and address of an attorney's office.
    I only assume that they are acting as a CA on behalf of Household because they're ultimately going to send it to court if I don't pay. They also have my credit report - or claim to - the woman I spoke to said that she was looking at it to see if I had any available credit on other cards to roll this debt onto.

    How do I go about making sure that these people are legit and actual do have a claim to my money? Should I call Household directly?

    I really don't want this to go to court - I want to get it paid off. Do I have any other options at this point, other than to pay these lawyers?

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