PBM bids farewell

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by PeeBeeEm, Nov 30, 2002.

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  1. Hope

    Hope Well-Known Member

    Adieu, Farewell, Godspeed PBM

    My heart sank when I read the title of this topic. PBM, I have often (too silently) marvelled at your consistency and dedication in monitoring this board. It was very easy to see that besides it being your professional endeavor, you were on a personal mission to raise and keep this forum at the highest standards.

    To that end I want you know that you have been the Standard Bearer of forum monitors all across the internet. With your guidance, help, protection, etc., this forum has indeed changed my life tenfold.

    No longer am I an ignoramus; you have caused me to be lifted into the light about my personal credit.

    I want you to know that I and everyone here have felt you benevolent presence and benefitted from it.

    And so with heavy hearts, we bid you adieu, farewell, Godspeed.

    (p.s. I've just added your new email address to my personal contacts list. Expect to hear from me often!)
  2. fla-tan

    fla-tan Well-Known Member


    Please allow me to also include my kudos to you for a superb job, well done. You will most definately be missed and while there most likely will be a replacement, that person will not be you.

    Just remember, that while this phase of your journey may be over, it is just a phase. And may your journey be long and prosperous.

    Enjoy the rest and your children, you deserve both.

  3. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    Good luck and thanks for a job well done. I hope you continue to remain a member of the community you worked so hard to build.

  4. tessmcgill

    tessmcgill Well-Known Member

    Heartfelt wishes for continued success and good health. Your expertise will be missed.

    However, if there is a new moderator, why wasn't he or she man or woman enough to bid you farewell and introduce themselves.

    Smells fishy . . .
  5. MiamiBlues

    MiamiBlues Well-Known Member


    Thank you for your all your efforts and hard work. You are Mr. Credit Net!

    May God Bless you and your family.
  6. matty61184

    matty61184 Well-Known Member

    PBM, we will all miss you! You have been an invaluable asset to this board and provided the direction and management that has been essential to its success. I can only hope your successor does the same. I also hope you come back and visit with us from time to time! I'm sure everyone would enjoy to mingle with you on here. Good luck with your future plans, thank you for your excellent handling of CreditNet, and god bless.

  7. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member


    This is truly a sad day in Creditnet history!! You will definitely be missed. You and I have talked by email several times over the past couple of years and I have enjoyed it. I want to thank you again for saving me when no one believed my Trans Union story last year.

    Your control in moderating this board is the standard to which all other PBM's should aspire!

    Several of us have wondered where you were lately as our alerts to pbm have been unanswered lately. We were hoping you were on vacation.

    Thanks again for a job well done and best wishes to you and your family. Hope to see you posting!!
  8. ma_bear911

    ma_bear911 Well-Known Member


    I haven't been a member of this community for very long, but have read alot of threads, both new and old. I have been extremely impressed at both the superb quality of this board and your complete fairness. Kudos to you for your accomplishments.

    Bless you and your family. Enjoy them, the time goes to fast. Good luck in your future endeavors. Thank you for your time and hard work.
  9. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member


    i feel like someone just slapped me. . .

    PBM, you will surely be missed!! No doubt, this(your) website is something to be proud of.
  10. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Ack, well I can confirm this is real. Only pbm would have known that I didn't return that last call. Somehow I had intended on doing so but let it slip! In any event, this is the real guy. pbm: I will send you an email; please treat me better than I treated you, lol! Hey, I didn't realize dogman had the honor of speaking with you as well, ahem -- I thought I enjoyed that distinction. :) You will be greatly missed.

  11. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Yea, well I have his fax #, do you? lol
  12. Janet

    Janet Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry to see you go as well!! I've only posted a couple of times but I feel like a family amongst all the creditnetters. Hopefully everything goes well with your family and home.

    Please keep in touch with the board so we know how you're doing. You will be greatly missed :(

  13. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    Please allow me to jump in here and say thank you for all of your hard work. What you have done here has truly changed many of our lives. We will forever be in your debt. I wish you well in your future endeavors. Thank you so much!!
  14. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    According to the record the last post by pbm was on 11//14/2 so how can this be the real one?
  15. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    [Note: I am posting this under a different name because management curtailed access to my (pbm) account somewhat unexpectedly on November 15, which also explains the conspicuous absence of your humble behind-the-scenes moderator in recent weeks. ;-) I am not sure whether management objects to my posting so if you read this please make a mental note and let others know I bid farewell in the event this post is pulled. -pbm]
    umm, did you read this part?
  16. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

  17. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Oh great !!!! :(

    PBM, you'll be sorely missed around here. Best of luck to you and loved ones in your future endeavors.

    I'm very concerned at this point that the board will lack the fairness and attention of a PBM quality moderator. It's obvious to me now that whomever has stepped into those shoes is woefully inadequate by comparison. There have been many instances since 11/15/02, where the fair and benevolent hand of PBM has been badly needed but conspicuously absent. This is the first step to the boards downfall.

    I hate to be a naysayer guy's, but this new "moderator" may not be up to the job. A dreadful problem that, if you think about it, has already manifested itself rather eloquently.

    I feel like I've been kicked in the crotch.

  18. newstdt

    newstdt Well-Known Member


    This board wouldn't be what it is without you. You're the reason it's so successful so I hope that mgmt of yours realizes that. You'll forever be OUR PBM and where ever you end up (who knows? maybe your own board?)...you KNOW we'd follow....

    We wish you many great things in your life from here on out. May you and your family have a great future in your new home. We know things have to change sometimes, so we just have to accept it however grudgeingly even if it makes us a little blue. <sob!>

    You are missed a million times over already.

    Signed, another creditnetter with a sinking heart..

  19. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member


    Let me suffice with heartfelt thanks for all your efforts. This board has been my saviour and without you I don't believe this board would be what it is.

    Good luck in the future.
  20. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, I agree. And, I can say that the new moderator is NOT doing his job. No alerts to him./her have been answered. I see the trolls running amok, and ruining what PBM has worked to build. It is a sad creditnet day in more ways than one. I'll stick around for awhile, but if the lack of response I have already seen is any indication of things to come, I won't stay.
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