Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Don, Apr 10, 2000.

  1. Don

    Don Well-Known Member

    What started as the usual spam MLM/pyramid game from a poster named Kathy has turned into a gay bashing, offensive, worthless use of board space and bandwidth...

    I may not agree with what Kathy says is so wonderful about her computer offer, but now that we are to the point of obscene comments from her, I'd ask that you simply remove all her posts...

    None of us care..she doesn't seem to understand that...
  2. J. Edgar

    J. Edgar Well-Known Member

    I've already sent the PBM an e-mail about this subject, but I have not received a response yet.

    Yes, the whole "Kathy and her free computer" saga has degenerated into name calling and other distasteful verbal assaults.

    I may have encouaged some of this behavior on her part, but she's the one that started with the homophobic gay-bashing. It's fairly typically of ignorant people like her to resort to 'accusing' someone of being gay based on no evidence whatsoever and then demeaning based on that assumption simply because they have no other recourse because their position can not withstand the application of logic or rational thought..

    I felt that it was necessary to draw attention to her behavior and tactics and I apologize to anyone else on the board who might have been annoyed or offended by my doing so.

    Personal attacks such as hers have no place on this board or in any public forum.
  3. bg

    bg Guest

    J Edgar, you need not apologize to anyone,
    she started the whole mess simply because
    some of our posts were intended to warn people that her great deal was a scam. As
    far as egging her on I'm just as guilty as
    anyone. But she's gone and so are her scams I hope for good. Your advice on this board
    to people has been greatly appreciated.
    So don't let any of this bother you.
    And please have a wonderful day, and thanks
    for all your help from alot us.
  4. Kathy

    Kathy Guest

    Not gone...just sitting back and watching you hang yourselves
  5. J. Edgar

    J. Edgar Well-Known Member

    Hang ourselves? Praytell, what horrible fate awaits us being denied the privilege of reading your superlative words of wisdom?
  6. Kathy

    Kathy Guest

    I have to admit that I admire your sense of humor:)
  7. bg

    bg Guest

    Kathy, it's ashame you don't have one.
  8. Kathy

    Kathy Guest

    on the contrary...I do....that's why I keep coming back for more :) Have a nice day:)
  9. Shania

    Shania Guest

    Jeez, Kathy. You sure do like punishment.
  10. bg

    bg Guest

    Dear Kathy, I read your partial apology on
    the front page before it was wiped out. I tried to post a response but it got wiped out at the same time. I wanted to apologize to you, I also got caught up in being defensive, I look back now and realize we
    were all acting like kids. I guess I didn't like being call a 500# DYKE. Anyway I'm sorry
    for the things I said to upset you. The person that gave you the kick in the butt was my hubby BOB, He jump started my brain also. I guess I'm lucky to have him around
    to point me in the right direction from time to time. I was upset with your remarks to J Edgar and should have stayed out of it, but
    I didn't and I apologize for that. I agree
    with you that it's time to move on this thing got completely out of hand for all of us. Good Luck and our prayers are with you.
    bg & BOB
  11. Kathy

    Kathy Guest

    Bg...Thanks and I am going to post it again, and hope that pbm is on his lunch hour so J.Edgar will also see it..
    I apologize to J.Edgar for my inappropriate and childish remarks to him.I am not his Judge therefore I have no right to make decisions about the way he lives his life.I apologize to Russ and MichaelOH as well..although not as ferverently..LOL..My biggest apology goes to J.Edgar for being an ass and making myself out to be an ignorant witch...which I am not. Like I said yesterday, the thought of my children seeing what I said, or what was said about me turned my stomach, as that is not the way we have chosen to raise them.The whole thing just got out of hand entirely and I really apologize profusely for everything I said to you all.Thanks again, Bob for the kick in the butt.---Kathy
  12. BOB

    BOB Guest

    Your welcome Kathy, I knew the way you talked about being a christian that you had a big heart somewhere. bg does also, when I
    pointed it out to her she broke down and cried, she really is sorry for it all.
    It's been along time since I've seen her that
    upset at herself. But we want you to know that our prayers are with you and your kids
    during this fight for your health. I'm disabled and know it's going to be a hard fight. But you sound tough and are a fighter
    so you will do great. GOOD LUCK!!
  13. Kathy

    Kathy Guest

    Bob, Thank you once again and my thoughts are with you and bg as well.God bless!
  14. MichaelOH

    MichaelOH Guest

    Dear Kathy,

    As I posted yesterday, only moments before the thread was obliterated by the pbm, no apology is necassary. I enjoyed deconstructing the computer deal, and all such disagreements, if they are waged with passion, are bound to involve teasing and insults. That is part of the game and anyone who believes they have the right not to be teased, insulted or offended ought not expose themselves to circumstances in which it might occur. Any such right is incompatible with free speech and an open society. I elected to enter the fray and so I did not mind when you struck back, certainly I expect no apology for it. As long as the jibes were within the context of our disagreement about the computer deal they were amusing and harmless(I thought it was funny when you accused me of first needing a wife and then being gay). When the debate devolved from a very funny (albeit passionate) discussion of the merits of the computer deal to nothing more than an exchange of insults, I dropped out of the thread because it wasn't fun anymore. Whilst I was participating however, if my mouth outran my manners, I apologize. Now all that remains is to see whether the posters of some intolerant, anti-Christian notions will apologize for their bigoted remarks. The pbm apparently will protect homosexuals from insult, but not Christians. It is their board of course, but fairness demands a single standard; which calls for a post of the same kind as that addressed to you- which clearly places anti-Christian remarks in the same category as remarks disparaging homosexuality.

    No hard feelings, Mom.
  15. Kathy

    Kathy Guest

    That's the first time since this whole thing started that I have laughed while visiting this board...And I agree that if the pbm is going to censor comments towards race,sexual orientation etc, then religion should be covered as well.
  16. bg

    bg Guest

    Kathy and Micheal, You both have my Vote also
    there needs to be one standard and us
    christians belong with all the others. I
    will say this if we all weren't christians
    this matter would still be going on.
    I'm glad it ended with everyone still able to talk to one another friendly. I'm still upset at my behavior and the things I said to
    Kathy, Kathy again I'm so very sorry.
  17. Shania

    Shania Guest

    Ah? What about Roman Catholics? We need love too ya know. ;)
  18. J. Edgar

    J. Edgar Well-Known Member

    Apology accepted. I hope that we all (on the board) ultimately got something positive out of this unpleasant experience and view it as an opportunity for personal growth.
  19. bg

    bg Guest

    Shania, Roman Catholics also, I think we all need some love after this past week.
  20. Kathy

    Kathy Guest

    J.Edgar, a million times, thank you :^)
    BG...thanks to you, also and stop apologizing!LOL

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