pbm, new site issue

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Nave, Mar 1, 2001.

  1. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    I have noticed that when you pause and spend some time within the entry of an unfinished message, it will eventually refresh and wipe out your text. There is a 900 second meta tag refresh (possibly to grab a new ad for the ad on top) and therefore what happens is it refreshes the entire page wiping out any unsubmitted or previously entered text?

    Please understand the new site in every other way is fantastic, and If you know about the time problem, you can work with it. It can, however, be annoying to be 2/3rds the way through a message...get a phone call, come back and have to re-type in the entire messsage.

    Just a suggestion, TIA Dave
  2. AnnMarie

    AnnMarie Well-Known Member

    I agree but you can't have it all can you? I think it may be good it does that due to the fact that the posts I lost were WAY too long anyway! lol
    I now use Word and import it if it's gonna be long or I'm doing something else.
  3. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Author: Nave (---.sdsl.cais.net)
    Date: 03-01-01 20:26

    I have noticed that when you pause and spend some time within the entry of an unfinished message, it will eventually refresh and wipe out your text. There is a 900 second meta tag refresh (possibly to grab a new ad for the ad on top) and therefore what happens is it refreshes the entire page wiping out any unsubmitted or previously entered text?

    Please understand the new site in every other way is fantastic, and If you know about the time problem, you can work with it. It can, however, be annoying to be 2/3rds the way through a message...get a phone call, come back and have to re-type in the entire messsage.

    Just a
    You are right - Time's way to short esprcially since the Quote feature that was on the old set is now gone.
  4. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Author: AnnMarie (---.I agree but you can't have it all can you? I think it may be good it does that due to the fact that the posts I lost were WAY too long anyway! lol
    I now use Word and import it if it's gonna be long or I'm doing something else.
    Just a
    You are right - Time's way to short esprcially since the Quote feature that was on the old set is now gone.

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