I just pulled my Equifax report right from the EQ site. I have an item I need to dispute and found a lovely gift from AMEX - they are listing my paid chargeoff (pd in 2003) as a MORTGAGE! WTF?? I called EQ and asked who would report it as a mortgage and of course, AMEX would (or would they?!) I had an investigation started - but what is odd on the CR from Myfico, it's listed as an installment. I hate to open a can of worms but I can't have this TL appear as a mortgage...wouldnt that hurt my score if it's reporting as CO Mortgage then it would a CO CC? Anyone ever have this happen with a TL?
i didn't think a mortgage could be charged off - wouldn't it be foreclosure? my mortgage reports as an installment loan and no matter what i do won't change.
On my other reports, it's always reported as Open or Installment - that's why I'm a little freaked that the account type is Mortgage I just want it corrected - dunno - maybe I'm over-reacting a bit?
i guess in all reality it doesn't matter because your goal is to get it removed correct? you have a perfect dispute "i never had a mortgage with amex please delete". LOL