pd11604...update and a Thank You ;)

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sizzle, Sep 26, 2004.

  1. sizzle

    sizzle Member

    You gave me good advice the other day and I talked to my husband about him NOT filing bankruptcy with me. He really didn't go for it right away but our lawyer suggested that he get a new car to get rid of his high interest car loan since his credit improved over the last 3 years. We went car shopping yesterday and he bought a Saturn with a 6.35 interest rate! He was thrilled! A big drop from 18% interest on the first car. That convinced him that he's doing really good and it would be possible to work on the rest of the ugly stuff on his credit report after I get the whole bankruptcy thing in order with my stuff.

    Thank you for all your help! Now I just have to talk to the lawyer to see how I go about filing myself. Unfortunately, I don't think I can avoid it with a very excessive amount of CC debt. My own stupidity.

    Thanks again!
  2. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    I'm very glad things are working out for you.
    Good luck and keep posting your questions here
    There are many folks that will help you sort things out.
    Many others here helped me and answered a lot of my questions
    Best advice I can give you is to read up on all the laws that may affect you and ask questions here to plan a strategy to deal with things that come up on your credit repair journey
  3. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    I second that--post your questions and check your laws. BK laws vary by state, so even though you may get information here, check to make sure it's the same where you live.

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