PenFed Auto Denial

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Fat Jake, May 5, 2005.

  1. Fat Jake

    Fat Jake Well-Known Member

    Tried for an Auto Loan tonight. It's a automated system. It told me I was denied.

    I got a 9 yr old BK7 and high usuage on otherwise perfect tradelines. All the BK7 entries have dropped. My Fako is about 680. Has been 700 plus when my CC balances were lower. Just relocated and had to load 2 cards for expenses. Only about 15k in debt. Not a problem to reduce to nothing in 12 months on my income (the plan).

    This sucks tried Cap1 should hear something tommorow, it's not automated. Anyone here with Cap one experience???

    I'm a old timer on this board. Spent alot of time here back in 2001. Back in the Roni/Momof3/Bobby/George somebody days.

    This place was a big Help.
  2. Fat Jake

    Fat Jake Well-Known Member

    Cap1 Said Yes. 7%

    I asked PenFed for manual reconsideration through an email. Lets see what comes back with through them.
  3. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Do you belong to (or can you join) any other credit unions? Sometimes the smaller ones are more willing to work with you.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member




  5. wizzard

    wizzard Active Member

    The Plan to reduce 15k in 12 months.
    Please share how you plan to do it.

    "Credit cards are not money but a tool used to
    make money"


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I don't understand what you are saying???

  7. Fat Jake

    Fat Jake Well-Known Member


    The plan is simple.. Pay $1250 a month for the next year. I now can realistically afford to do that now. My BK7 will drop in the next 6 months and at that time I'll try to seek some good BT offers. At this time I'll be looking to close my old sub-prime cards and start off new. I've been practicing better CC dicipline since I've gotton my new 2x the salary job.. Go figure!


    George.. YOU STILL HERE.. with even more ONE-LINERS. Tell me/us more about PENFED and pyramid schemes. I'm not to angry about them denying me since it was a computer generated response. I did ask for reconsideration and got an email back saying they would, but it was Friday. I'm looking to get a response by COB Monday. Which is also when I go pick up my car.

    PenFed seems to have the best rates on almost everything plus they pay alot of fee's on mortgages. Maybe they only cater to the prime members. Thats fine by me because I'm about to join that group. Did my time in Subprime and my parole is up soon.

    The intent of my post is to pass on the good info.


    Ok more info.. Went to a Honda dealership and they approved me. I'm not 100% sure it's a Honda finance at this point. He only asked what did I get from my current loan and ran the credit. I told him the interest rate and he told me that he could match or beat it. On Monday I'll go through the motions and pickup the vehicle.

    I'm prepared for funny business when I go pick my car up. I'm also prepared to say, no well I'll use my own loan. They guys are so vague with things I'm thinking they're trying for a last minute "catch". I got another dealer to meet there price and if they don't work out.. Oh well. I did get a EXCELLENT PRICE on the vehicle but I see that anyone around here will match a price once you got something to start with.

    In any case I've spent 3 inquiries on this transaction!


    My new Ying/Yang car buying strategy is:

    1. Go to the dealship dress very casual, then show the salesman that you know more about the vehicle than he does when he begins to explain things (you should do your homework).

    2. Once he starts his head games, walk away from the vehicle you are at and go look at another one (of the same type) carelessly ignoring him.

    3. Everytime you speak to him look him in the eye, when he speaks to you look at the car.

    4. When he says something about somoene else being interested in the car, so something arrogant back like "well you know they make more than one right", look him in the eye and look a little annoyed.

    5. Ask him for his card before he offers it.

    6. Don't be affraid to pricematch over the phone while you are at the other dealerships. Thats why you get the business card. Good places to make the call is in other vehicles (different type and out of your price range) on the lot. They wont find you.

    7. Go look at the vehicle 15 days before you are ready to buy. They will call you back and now you have leverage for easier nogotiations. For them to get your number dress nice on that first day.. so they are looking at you as a piece of meat!

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