I have one that stems from my chargeoff with Dayton's/Target that was only originally 750 dollars. Well, Asset got it and has been looking for me but sending me collection notices nonetheless. Anyway, I have noticed that everytime the balance goes up(first they say I owe over 1400+ to the chargeoff, NOT, I have the amounts on my credit reportfrom Daytons/Target), but then they are collecting interest on the damn bill or so it seems. Is it legal for a collection agency to charge interest from a chargeoff account that they purchased. I haven't disputed them yet, they are next on my list but they are pissing me off royally. Oh on top of that, when I signed up with Credit Expert today and looked at these, the dates to come off for the Dayton's/Target accounts are 8/2003 but for Asset they are 02/2004. The chargeoff occured in 8/1996 according to my other bureaus. Anyway, I have only successfully removed Dayton's/Target from TU but then Asset got ahold of it and put it on TU along with the other bureaus but it is still unrated. But then again, Exp and Equifax have the Dayton's/Target chargeoff reporting R9 with balance and I have the Asset collection account for double the other balance and lists Retailer's National Bank instead of Dayton's/Target(same thing). I hate these guys. GRRRRRRRRRR.
I am in a similiar situation. My girlfriend had a providian card with a 1000 limit that was charged off. Now asset is trying to collect 1800 on that account. I have since removed the original charge off from providian off her reports. But there is a collection account from asset corp on all 3 of her reports. what should i do to get them to bug off?
I sent a Validation to ASSet Acceptance. They have 8 days left to respond, I really don't expect one from eveything i have heard from here.
I really hate these people. They do this with everyone. I am really getting ready to turn all my energy onto getting it off my reports. They are messing with the wrong person this time. I will not be satisifed until this is off my reports.
Just an FYI on what scum Asset is. I sent a validation letter to them several months ago followed by the estoppel. They finally sent validation (and there was no denying it was my signature, etc.), so I knew that I would have to pay them sooner or later since the debt was only about 3 years old and we are in the process of buying a house. I called them up to settle and the guy initially told me that when they have to pull documentation they won't settle, i.e. they want the full amount for the trouble they went through to validate. I bit my tounge and proceeded to play dumb, acting like I didn't recognize the listing on my credit report and that was the only reason I had disputed it. I also pretended like I was completely broke and got them to lower their initial settlement offer of 75% to less than 50%. In the end, I didn't even ask for deletion upon payment because I didn't want to rock the boat too badly since I just needed to get it paid for the mortgage company's benefit, but these people are JERKS.