Well, great. According to these lovely people, I have a Perkins loan that went into default in 90/91 and was written off by the college in 10/97. I found out about it in '01, and knowing it's not mine, I did nothing about it. (I know, stupid me, but I didn't realize what hell would ensue.) The original amount was for 1200, and now it's 4200. Now, Willam and Fudge in NC has gotten ahold of it, and they are threatening to sue. And they have sent me (several times) a series of forms (complete with my Federal Student loan info (on whichj I am current) and are trying to get to consolidate the two. Only the Federal one is valid. And the forms contain my SS#, and come unregistered mail. Is this legal in involve another debt that has no bearing on this supposed one? (I went to school in KY, btw.) I've treid calling the college to see just what in the &$@! is going on, but they flat refused to even talk to me. (I didn't admit to anything!) Any suggestions??? I've sent no letters, and when W&F calls, I hang up.