Knowledge truly is power! I wrote my Planet Feed Back Letter on 12/28/2001 and received an email response from Mr. Cooke. Unfortunately I did not get a chance to talk to him until today. In less than 45 sec I got two-CL increases 500.00 on MC and 1000.00 on my Visa! It gets better; he reduced my APR to 12.99% from 23.00%! I am so glad I came across this web-site. To think I could have spent eons talking to those people whom could not help me in CapOneâ??s customer service. 1500.00 in credit in one day does wonders for my credit rehab program. I am really glad I hung on to the card, now it will be a 5 old year trade line in 1.4 years. sniff sniff sniffâ?¦. can you smell it? Platinum in 2002!
WTG!!! I sent a PFB for my mom's 3 Capital One accounts and we never heard from him. Today she got 2 of her statements in and they both had $600 increases and her interest was down from 26.99% to 15.9%. So I guess he just did it and we never knew. Her other statement is due in next week.
Congratulations!! That's great news!! I have really been both surprised & pleased with Capital One in the last week regarding my own account. I also hope to get that Platinum with them this year as well.
Where can I find the Planet Feed Back letter? I did a search on PFB but came back with 600+ responses. Will you please point me in the right direction. Thanks
Planetfeedback is a website that offers a free service to consumers to voice their complaints/concerns to companies by writing a letter and having it sent via e-mail. These are letters that people write themselves, personalizing it to their own situation, there's no one letter like validation letters or estoppels, although those even some have variations. Here's the site address:
I was pissed! I had one card more than 3 years and all I got were piddling increases. A friend I know got the CapOne Gold Visa-with a 3000.00 cl. What is wrong with that? I saw her credit report, it is in far worse condition than mine. I am paying on time, using my card frequently....comon...givemeabreak!!!! It seems as if perfect payment history and frequent usage doesn't do it. you must call and ask for what you want with this company now that I know that I will conduct myself accordingly in 2 months I am going to call him again and ask to combine the cards to Platinum. I am at 4900.00 cl with both cards I got something in the mail saying for every $1 you send in they will do a 3/1 conversation, hence $100=$300 increase.[one card was the 49.00 secured card deal got up to 2000.00 cl without sending money in].. I am sending in 500.00 today. So there should be no problems in 2 months. From a post here, I know if I send in a statement with my cl on it the CRA's will report it. My two statements should be here in the next 2 weeks. This is a very good way to start off the year! To all whom congratulated me...THANKS!!! This is the letter I wrote: To Whom It May Concern: I'm writing to alert you to a few problems I've had with credit cards issued by you. My problems concerns price,value and overall service. I hope by bringing this to your attention, the problems will be addressed. These incidents have\s made me very annoyed. Here's what happened: Overall my experience has been very positive. Aside from a 60 day late which occured in 1999 due to a misleading statement sent to me saying no payment was due. I started to cancel my card then, but something in my gut said to stick it out. Which over the course of 2+ years things got much better. With that said,I believe I an deserving of a lower apr and a higher limit on these cards. Also on the list of desired corrections, please report my credit limit to the credit reporting firms. Because Capital One doesn't report my limits, my credit score is not as high as it should be! 529107190442XXXX MC 438864185565XXXX Visa Here's what I want you to do: First and foremost report my credit limits, then rasie them. Take the 60 day late off of my record. Then ajust my apr to a level in line with my payment history. I currently use my visa card almost to the limit most months and pay it off or make payments of $200-475 per month. After you research my account history you will see this is true. I need and can pay on a larger credit limits. Since I have handled the cards issued prudently this warrants a lower apr . I now have 36+ months of paying as agreed. This should account for something. In the future, I definitely will do business with you again. And I definitely will recommend you to others. I appreciate your taking the time to listen to my complaint. I hope it can be addressed.