Why arent' we simply posting the info here? Is there a reason why that correct link to be used should not be posted on this public forum... is it because "they" are watching... LOL
yes. Even if they find out we have a method, they do not know what that method is. Even when it was changed a new way was found. It takes them longer to plug it up that way.
Can you email me the method? I was completely disappointed when they closed the door, so I've been looking for an open window myself. Thanks!
Happy things turned out well for you SCMom!!! I also have PG and would like the whole story. Could you oblige? Thanks very much!
Checked my profile... set up to 'allow other users to email you'. If you can't, I'm at e557373@yahoo.com
Can I get the information email also ? My profile is set to Allow others to email me, but just in case : xoneinax@yahoo.com
hmmm not really sure what this is about this "window" but I have to say you peaked my curiosity . please send me any info you have about privacy guard .. my email should work..
ok everyone... emails sent. I was kinda busy this weekend so I was not on the computer. Jimmyo and phishphan, your email is not activated.....