I have gotten two phone calls the last two days. Caller ID says Houston, TX. They ask for me by name and state that either I or my attorney must return the phone call. Today's call said I had till noon to call back or they will be left with no option than to proceed in refernce to file number something. I do not recall getting a collection notice, but suspect it may be about Avon...around $200.00. I did get a notice from Avon to pay, but heard nothing since. I looked the number up that shows from the caller ID and it directs to Allied Data Corporation. Has anyone dealt with this CA and do you have suggestions? I can send my paymnet to Avon and have no problem with that. Thanks.
I pulled all 3 reports....nothing new is on there. The only inquiry is one I knew would be on there from last August. I looked thru all my mail...I tend to keep it stacked up in case I need to refer to something later and found a colletion notice from RMA for an old debt...past SOL and does not appear on my credit reports. So why is this CA calling me and I have not recieved anything in the mail from them? I'm sure not calling them back, but perhaps get my attonery to do so to advise them of debt laws! I really don;t have a clue where these calls came from. LIke I said, it has only been two phone calls the last two days in a row and they gave me a deadline to return the call.
Sometimes the past SOL debt will get sold to a Junk Debt Buyer who will then try to collect from you. Even though the SOL has passed, they can try to sue you forever on an unpaid debt, and it is up to you to use the SOL defence. Why don't you call them back and see what it is about? You can always say that you have no idea what they are talking about, and that they will have to put everything in writing for you because you do not conduct business over the telephone Along the way you can probably catch them violating several FDCPA laws, which will give you "leverage" in dealing with them