piggybacking AU

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jd08, Sep 3, 2008.

  1. jd08

    jd08 New Member

    Hey folks, doing a credit repair and have a relative that put me on a BOA CC with low utilization as an authorized user. They even issued a card to me w/out SSN. How do I go about getting this account listed w/ the CRA's? I called BOA but they said I would have to be a co-signer to do this?? I've had it for months and assumed wrongly that it would show up and hasn't. I see that the new FICO score modeling didn't exclude..
    What to do?
    Thanks in advance for any information
  2. greg1045

    greg1045 Well-Known Member

    BOA is BSing you. There is no need for that - making you a co-signor for you to be reported to CRAs. Maybe it's just them not wanting to report AUs to the agencies.
  3. greg1045

    greg1045 Well-Known Member

    And, maybe, just maybe the original card holder is slow in paying, and by making you co-signor instead of AU they will make you responsible. Banks do play reeeaaal dirty tricks.
  4. jd08

    jd08 New Member

    Thank you for the response. The card is paid every month and has very little use and it's several years old. I think you're right that they (BOA) are avoiding the issue but I'm not sure how to proceed. I have thousands available to me on this card and would like it to post somehow without having to fight with them. I've managed to bring my numbers up 75 points over the last 6 mos and this may be the push I need to get where I need to be.
    I want to thank everyone that involves themselves in this process/forum and lends their expertise..it's amazing how much you can learn just spending an hour in here. I did search for some keywords looking for a solution but was unable to find a similar problem.
  5. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Most AU accounts are reported automatically. They don't need your SSN to report.

    If BoA only reports cosigners and not AUs you may not have much luck getting it to report.

    Wait a month or so and see if it shows up.
  6. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Bank of America requires a SSN to report or you must live at the same address as the account holder. You have to have either a SSN or address match to keep the CRA's from blocking it.

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