placing my car in my companies name

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by vonD, Mar 21, 2006.

  1. vonD

    vonD Member

    If i was to buy a used car could I put it in my company name and thus keep if safe from having a lien placed on it because I lost a personal lawsuit with a credit card company? Also, because I lost a personal judgement on a past credit card debt, can they go after my business banking accounts? I currently dont have a business checking account, just an account for deposits. Is my business property and accounts safe from creditors due a personal credit card judgement?
  2. Always

    Always Well-Known Member

    You need to speak with an attorney versed in FCRA law [] in order to protect your business and/or personal assets.

    Consider bringing paper copies of your current credit reports so they can review your situation.

    [Not the online, or tri-merge]
  3. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    The answer to so many questions like this is "it depends." It depends whether you personally guaranteed the loans. It depends what type of business you have and how it's set up. It depends if the intent of a transaction was to defraud.

    So, the advice to speak with an attorney is good advice.

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