- Capital 1

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by curious, Apr 16, 2001.

  1. curious

    curious Well-Known Member

    This was fast. I got approved for a Gold Visa with a whopping $200 credit line. I wrote a letter through Planetfeedback, this morning, got a response back about 3 hours later and just got off the phone with the Office of the Consumer Advocate. He gave me a 2500 increase and apologized for any inconvenience that the low credit line caused me.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: - Capit

    $2,700 is still low for a GOLD the 1980's GOLD was $5,000 MINIMUM!!!

    But if your happy, fine.
  3. molly

    molly Well-Known Member

    Re: - Capit

    I did planetfeedback yesterday and also talked to a consumer advocate rep. Did they ask to pull your reports again? I am asking for my accounts to be combined and to up the limit. The guy said they want to pull reports. I said only if they pull Trans only and he said he'll call me back tomorrow or Wednesday and tell me if they can pull Trans only. I am asking for a big increase, although, its not that big if you really think about it $1600. But it's big for cap. My accounts will be 6 months old on April 24th so its not like they're doing me any favors by combining. Geez I've had the account for 2 years and 4 months. I still think they suck no matter if I do get the increase.
  4. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member

    To: Molly

    I was asked for permission to do a hard inquiry for an increase in limit as the result of my planet feedback E-mail. I gave it. The result was a hard inquiry on Experian. I just got an updated Equifax report back and it has a soft inquiry from the same day. I haven't seen TU, but I assume they did a soft inquiry there.
  5. molly

    molly Well-Known Member

    Re: To: Molly

    Trans is my best report with only one negative and it is in dispute as we speak. Is it true that if an item is indispute its counted as neutral? I only agreed to an inquiry if they pulled trans. My experian report has been hit hard in the last 8 months and it has 2 negative items. Equifax still has three. How many negatives did you have at that time, that is if you had any?
  6. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member

    Molly - My answer

    Is it true that an item is in dispute it is counted as neutral?
    Answer -- I don't know, BUT as I was telling LKH last night at the creditmania chat I have received a lot of credit lately while Junum has been diputing items for me. My opinion leans to disputed items being neutral when a FICO score is calculated but the negative items are still there for Cap One to see.

    How many negatives did you have at the time?
    Answer -- 3 discharged BK related credit card accounts from 1998. The Bk never made it into the public record.

    Molly - you should do a search of Planet Feedback and read my posts along with Marci's. In the end, I got a 13.9% apr and a $300 limit increase to $3,300.
  7. curious

    curious Well-Known Member

    Re: To: Molly

    I asked him if they would pull an inquiry, and he said no. He said that would not be necessary.

    George, I know that the limit is still low, but I figured, it said a lot for them to even try.
  8. molly

    molly Well-Known Member

    Re: To: Molly

    Thanks. I will wait and see. I have to go to school now. bye

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