planing ahead...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by liloleme, Sep 2, 2004.

  1. liloleme

    liloleme New Member

    Wow! What a great board! I am a newbee here. While I originally came here for a cosigning question I realized the potential for solving an impending problem.

    Last year my daughter was hospitalized and we incurred bills exceeding 20,000. I used my IRA to cover what I could, but 2,400 was left unpaid. I pleaded with the hospital to wait until income tax time before referring it to collection. I paid 1,200 from the tax refund, but the remainder did go to collection. A few months ago another brief stay in the hospital resulted in that bill immediatly being referred to CA. ( different hosp.) Now, I have every intention of paying these bills, but, do to the fact that they are now in collection, and the damage is done, I am in no big rush. My question is should I continue to pay the OC, or should I pay the CA? After seeing this board I hope I can have the negative lines removed. in the future. Please advise.


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