So, my Nextcard credit card charged off in April. Platinum Recovery, a "debt collection agency" (as stated on their letterhead) was assigned to my account, and I recieved a dunning letter from them in late July (initial contact letter.) I immediately fired off a DV letter a few days later, with the green card showing a date around Aug. 9. Anyhow, to this point Platinum has neither reported to the CRA's ( least not according to Privacy Guard), nor have they sent any validation. Today, I recieved a settlement offer from them (for about 2/3 of the supposed do these people have a sense of humor!) The letter had the mini-miranda at the bottom. The letter came on bright orange paper, with only the words "BIG SAVINGS" visible through the envelope. So, this constitutes continued collection activity, right? Am I correct to assume that I have quite a strong case for $1000 in statutory damages? In my response, should I demand $1000, or more? Do you think they'd be willing to work out an agreement whereby the OC (Nextcard) would delete their tradelines from my reports? How long should I give them to respond..15 days? 30 days? Lastly, can someone refer me to a sample of a complaint that I can attach, so that I can REALLY get their attention? I fully intend to follow through with this, and use the courts if I have to. Thanks! -Adam, at the beginning of the credit repair journey, and very much looking forward to posting a scan on this board of the $1000 check that Platinum is going to be sending me =)