NEED HELP! Long..but I'm begging! Ok, it's time for me to get to work on some issues that I am completely stuck on. I REALLY need you all to help with this... Let me give you the details and quickly and accurately as possible. 1) Before Creditnet & all I've learned, a CA contacted hubby and told him he owed money. 2) He didnt' know any better and started making payments. It was a medical bill. 3) When it was about $151 balance, I realized what was going on to some degree but was really new. 4) Anyway, I offered a lump sum payment for removal. No response so sent a second offer. (No I didn't do validation request...was still learning. 5) ON 11/20/00, sent validation of request (in most basic form..sheesh, what a newbie I was..LOL) 6) Received letter from a lawyer referred to by the CA who said they'd take payment but would not delete on 12/27/00. 7) Received CA printout of my payments to date. No validation at all on 12/1/00 and a request for payment again. 8) ON 1-2-01, Send second request for verification stating first had not been received in 30 days and requesting immediate deletion of entry. 9) On 7/19/01, sent estoppel. (why so long? I don't know...was still learning...eek) 10) On 8/3/01, received letter from lawyer again stating they had validated, sent another computer printout. This time, it had the medical bill printed out on their computer..not from OC. Mentioned we had offered to pay so we were accepting responsibility. 11) On 8/9/01, wrote back to lawyer stating I was just trying to get the problem dealt with but disputed the bill completely. Told him it was besides the point as I had a right to request validatino and have never received it. And, then..I don't know..I just stopped. I can't explain it. I've done a terrible job with this one and need direction. So, now it's my turn to ask for help again...please....please...I'll let you swim in the cement pond!! Or, am I beyond hope here? Thanks!
Re: NEED HELP! Long..but I'm begging! Ok This is simple, they have no proof they sent you the initial validation letter, nor do they have proof you recieved it. If they can't prove it then basically, they tricked him into making payments on an account that might not even be his. What needs to be done now is, First you need to sue them stating the failed in their first communication with you to have the "validation clause" statement on the letter. Secondly. Demand more proof. and Thirdly. Sue them for just being idiots.
Re: NEED HELP! Long..but I'm begging! Kiyi...I think I Like you! I was re-reading the last letter from the lawyer and there are all sorts of inaccuracies in his dates, etc. when he uses the timeline to try to defend the CA position. In fact, the lawyer states "Consequently, Xelco can only conclude that your letter of July 19, 2001 is mistaken or you, for some reason, did not receive the previous mailings." Ummm...didn't he just admit I might not have gotten them? Oh...why am I so afraid to sue..but guess I'm going to have to? Luckily, they are in CO and have already had a suspension this year. CO has a great board overseeing CA's...If I could get the proper violation wording down, I could also file a complaint with them... Oooh, more thoughts???
Re: NEED HELP! Long..but I'm begging! yeah sue them, its easy, cheap and pretty fun watching them squirm. Look, Sue them before they sue you, it looks much better.
Re: NEED HELP! Long..but I'm begging! have they noted the account as disputed on credit reports.... probably not... worth at least $1000 (LOL) worth a complaint to state and ftc ?
Re: NEED HELP! Long..but I'm begging! ANything that helps you dispute the debt and get it removed I would do. More pressure and aggrivation on them, the better.
Re: NEED HELP! Long..but I'm begging! NanaC::: I got a collection from those a$$clowns, back from 1997 when I lived in Denver... They want me to pay for 3 month of utility, from some Public Service Co. when during that time I was back in Florida.. The apartment complex I was living Aurora Meadows are trying to find my last month in the complex. we are talking 2 month and no luck...UHHHHHH every week they fired the manager appears to be..... I will like to get those numbers from that BOARD I will like to file a complaint to them... I offer the guy to pay the bill, if they delete, but he said he will be violating the LAW... so I'm trying to play their game now... So if you can post Those numbers so i can file that complaint.... TIA JC
Re: NEED HELP! Long..but I'm begging! Hi! I know where Aurora Meadows is..small world. does say disputed as my statement, not their statement. I never asked them to add a statement by the way. However, it shows it as "No status." What does that mean? Ok, on the complaint to the CO collection agency board... will give you all you need. More thoughts on this welcome!
What are the violations? Ok, let me confess..I suck at the wording of the violations....I don't know..I get all.....nannified.... anyway, If anyone has nothing else to do but help me solve this problem...(hahahah)... Would you please let me know the specific violations (I'll look up the whole thing..just the main idea) of it? I think my next step is the collection board in CO.....but I want to be specific. Thanks a million... legal stuff is where I start freaking out..I have a mental block on it or something...LOL Thanks